Table 7
Perinatal mortality and components by geography

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Perinatal mortality and components by geography

Table summary
This table displays the results of perinatal mortality and components by geography. The information is grouped by place of residence (appearing as row headers), perinatal deaths, late fetal deaths, early neonatal deaths and deaths, calculated using deaths, mortality rateper 1,000  total births, number and rate units of measure (appearing as column headers).

Place of residence Perinatal deathsNote 1 Late fetal deathsNote 2 Early neonatal deathsNote 3
Deaths Mortality rateper 1,000  total birthsNote 4Note 5 Deaths Mortality rateper 1,000  total birthsNote 4Note 5 Deaths Mortality rateper 1,000  total birthsNote 4Note 5
  number rate number rate number rate
Canada 2,331 6.1 1,145 Note ...: not applicable 1,186 Note ...: not applicable
Newfoundland and Labrador 41 8.3 20 Note ...: not applicable 21 Note ...: not applicable
Prince Edward Island 7 4.8 3 Note ...: not applicable 4 Note ...: not applicable
Nova Scotia 47 5.2 29 Note ...: not applicable 18 Note ...: not applicable
New Brunswick 41 5.5 17 Note ...: not applicable 24 Note ...: not applicable
Quebec 501 5.6 238 Note ...: not applicable 263 Note ...: not applicable
Ontario 884 6.3 429 Note ...: not applicable 455 Note ...: not applicable
Manitoba 125 7.8 66 Note ...: not applicable 59 Note ...: not applicable
Saskatchewan 96 6.7 58 Note ...: not applicable 38 Note ...: not applicable
Alberta 355 6.8 162 Note ...: not applicable 193 Note ...: not applicable
British Columbia 210 4.7 113 Note ...: not applicable 97 Note ...: not applicable
Yukon 3 7.8 1 Note ...: not applicable 2 Note ...: not applicable
Northwest Territories 12 16.8 4 Note ...: not applicable 8 Note ...: not applicable
Nunavut 9 10.2 5 Note ...: not applicable 4 Note ...: not applicable
Unknown 0 0.0 0 Note ...: not applicable 0 Note ...: not applicable
Perinatal death is the death of a child under one week of age (0 to 6 days) or a stillbirth of 28 or more weeks of gestation.
Late fetal death refers to a stillbirth of 28 or more weeks of gestation, excluding unknown gestational age.
Early neonatal death is the death of a child under one week of age (0 to 6 days).
Mortality rates for late fetal deaths and early neonatal deaths are not calculated; however, these two components are used in the calculation of mortality rates for perinatal deaths.
Perinatal death rate is the number of perinatal deaths during a given year per 1,000 total births (live births plus late fetal deaths) in the same year.
Statistics Canada, Canadian Vital Statistics, Birth, Death and Stillbirth Databases (CANSIM table 102-0508).
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