Statistics Canada
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This product presents statistical tables showing the number of live births and fetal deaths (stillbirths) of at least 20 weeks' gestation; total and age-specific fertility rates and crude birth rates; live births by age of mother and live birth order; male and female birth weights; weeks of gestation at the time of birth; and multiple births. Numbers are shown for Canada, the ten provinces and the three territories.

History note

Births - Shelf tables (84F0210X) data for 2000 and 2001 were released in the year 2003 in paper format. Since April 2004, this product is available on the Internet under the title "Births" (84F0210X).

The "Births, 2004" publication had two volumes. Volume 1 reported on live births and Volume 2 reported on fetal deaths (stillbirths).


Free access to data is provided through a special CANSIM interface. The CANSIM tables can be linked directly from three different locations in the HTML product:

Tables section:

  1. Related CANSIM tables
  2. Individual tables, in the Source

Related products section:

  1. Selected CANSIM tables from Statistics Canada