Statistics Canada
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This publication contains statistical tables showing the number of deaths by age, sex and grouped underlying cause for Canada, the provinces and territories. Also included are age-specific and age-standardized mortality rates by grouped underlying cause of death.

Content note

Underlying cause of death is classified to the Tenth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) from 2000 to the present. Underlying cause of death was classified to the Ninth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9) from 1979 to 1999.

History note

This product replaces Mortality, summary list of causes, catalogue number 84F0209XPB (published for data years 1997 to 1999) and catalogue number 84F0209XIB (published for data year 1997).

Publication, data year 2005 issue

This issue of the annual HTML/PDF publication contains tables for data year 2005 with the corresponding highlights.

CANSIM data for 2000 to 2005, available with the first issue of this publication

Free access to the 2000 to 2005 data is provided through a special CANSIM interface. The CANSIM tables can be linked directly from three different locations in the HTML product:

Tables section:

  1. Related CANSIM tables
  2. Individual tables, in the Source

Related products section:

  1. Selected CANSIM tables from Statistics Canada