Table 28
Distribution of the household population aged 18 to 79, by body mass index normsbased on direct measures, by age and sex, Canada, 2009 to 2011

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Distribution of the household population aged 18 to 79, by body mass index normsbased on direct measures, by age and sex, Canada, 2009 to 2011
Table summary
This table displays the distribution of the Canadian population 18 to 79 years of age by body mass index norms based on direct measures. The row headers provide information for each age group overall and by sex. The column headers provide the estimate and confidence interval for each body mass index norm category.
  Body mass index norms based on direct measures
Underweight Normal Weight Overweight
Estimate Confidence interval Estimate Confidence interval Estimate Confidence interval
From To From To From To
Both sexes  
Age 18 to 39 3.1 E 2.0 4.8 49.7 43.3 56.2 28.4 24.0 33.3
Age 40 to 59 0.9 E 0.5 1.5 32.2 27.2 37.6 37.4 31.1 44.1
Age 60 to 79 F . . 25.6 19.9 32.3 38.8 34.0 43.9
Age 18 to 79 2.0 1.4 2.7 37.6 33.1 42.3 34.2 30.9 37.7
Age 18 to 39 X . . 44.6 37.3 52.1 33.7 27.4 40.6
Age 40 to 59 X . . 24.0 18.4 30.5 44.6 35.0 54.6
Age 60 to 79 X . . 21.3 14.8 29.6 42.5 33.7 51.7
Age 18 to 79 F . . 31.6 27.5 36.0 39.8 35.6 44.2
Age 18 to 39 3.8 E 2.4 5.9 55.0 44.9 64.7 23.0 16.5 31.1
Age 40 to 59 1.4 E 0.7 2.7 40.4 32.4 48.9 30.2 24.6 36.5
Age 60 to 79 F . . 29.6 22.8 37.5 35.4 30.0 41.2
Age 18 to 79 2.6 1.9 3.7 43.5 37.4 49.8 28.6 24.2 33.5
Distribution of the household population aged 18 to 79, by body mass index normsbased on direct measures, by age and sex, Canada, 2009 to 2011 (continued)
  Body mass index norms based on direct measures
Obese, class I Obese, class II Obese, class III
Estimate Confidence interval Estimate Confidence interval Estimate Confidence interval
From To From To From To
Both sexes  
Age 18 to 39 11.3 8.5 14.9 4.8 E 2.8 8.1 2.7 E 1.5 4.6
Age 40 to 59 17.3 14.1 21.0 8.1 E 5.2 12.5 4.2 E 2.8 6.1
Age 60 to 79 23.1 20.4 26.1 5.9 4.5 7.8 4.6 E 2.8 7.5
Age 18 to 79 16.2 14.0 18.7 6.3 4.6 8.7 3.7 2.8 4.8
Age 18 to 39 13.3 9.7 18.0 F . . F . .
Age 40 to 59 22.6 18.5 27.3 F . . F . .
Age 60 to 79 25.7 20.1 32.1 6.6 E 4.4 9.7 3.3 E 1.7 6.4
Age 18 to 79 19.5 16.9 22.5 5.5 E 3.0 9.9 2.2 E 1.2 4.0
Age 18 to 39 9.2 E 6.2 13.5 5.4 E 3.0 9.4 F . .
Age 40 to 59 11.9 E 7.4 18.7 9.9 E 6.3 15.3 6.2 E 3.9 9.7
Age 60 to 79 20.8 15.8 26.9 5.4 3.8 7.6 5.8 E 3.3 10.0
Age 18 to 79 12.9 9.8 16.7 7.2 5.2 9.9 5.1 E 3.5 7.4
The norms used in this table can be found in Health Canada, 2003, "Description of the Canadian Guidelines for Body Weight Classification in Adults," Canadian Guidelines for Body Weight Classification in Adults, Health Canada Catalogue no. H49-179/2003E, p. 9-12. (accessed Dec 19 2006). Total household population aged 18 to 79, except those meeting the exclusion criteria (see the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) Data User Guide: Cycle 2).
Canadian Health Measures Survey, Cycle 2.
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