Health Regions: Boundaries and Correspondence with Census Geography
Map 10
Saskatchewan Health Regions, 2017

Map 10 Saskatchewan Health Regions, 2017

Description for Map 10

This map shows the thirteen Regional Health Authorities in Saskatchewan:

Sun Country, code 4701, Five Hills, code 4702, Cypress, code 4703, Regina Qu’Appelle, code 4704, Sunrise, code 4705, Saskatoon, code 4706, Heartland, code 4707, Kelsey Trail, code 4708, Prince Albert Parkland, code 4709, Prairie North, code 4710, Mamawetan Churchill River, code 4711, Keewatin Yatthé, code 4712, and Athabasca, code 4713.

Regional Health Authorities are outlined by a thin black line and labeled in black text with their four digit health region code.

Water features are displayed on the map for reference purposes. Linear water features appear on the map as a thin blue line while water bodies are shaded blue. Some cities are labeled in black text, for reference purposes.

Source: Statistics Canada, Health Regions: Boundaries and Correspondence with Census Geography, (82-402-X). Produced by the Statistical Registers and Geography Division for the Health Statistics Division, 2017.

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