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A Canadian peer-reviewed journal of population health and health services research

June 2013

Modelling risk factor information for linked census data: The case of smoking

by Claudia Sanmartin, Philippe Finès, Saeeda Khan, Paul Peters, Michael Tjepkema, Julie Bernier and Rick Burnett

Administrative data are increasingly used to monitor the health of the population and to better understand health service use and outcomes.  Advantages of using administrative data for health research include large population-based cohorts, low collection costs, and reduced bias from loss to follow-up. Despite these advantages, administrative data have limited individual-level information, frequently restricted to demographics such as age and sex, and often do not include socio-economic or risk factor information, which limits a broader understanding of health outcomes.

Self-monitoring of blood glucose in type 2 diabetes: Results of the 2011 Survey on Living with Chronic Diseases in Canada

by Calypse B. Agborsangaya, Cynthia Robitaille, Peggy Dunbar, Marie-France Langlois, Lawrence A. Leiter, Sulan Dai, Catherine Pelletier and Jeffrey A. Johnson

Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) is a useful component of diabetes management. SMBG entails collecting information on blood glucose levels at different times of the day. SMBG is, therefore, important for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) using insulin, because it enables them to detect hypoglycemia and self-administer doses of insulin for glycemic control.

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