Table 1
Sample sizes of paired respondent children (3 to 11Table 1 Note  years), by type of relationship, Canadian Health Measures Survey relationship data files, cycles 1 through 5 (2007 to 2017)

Table 1
Sample sizes of paired respondent children (3 to 11 years), by type of relationship, Canadian Health Measures Survey relationship data files, cycles 1 through 5 (2007 to 2017)
Table summary
This table displays the results of Sample sizes of paired respondent children (3 to 11 years). The information is grouped by Relationship to child respondent (appearing as row headers), Cycle and Total dyads
(cycles 1 to 5), calculated using number units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Relationship to child respondent Cycle Total dyads
(cycles 1 to 5)
1Table 1 Note  2 3 4 5
Birth parent 678 1,119 997 1,062 1,063 4,919
Step-parent 21 29 23 30 23 126
Adoptive/foster parent 17 13 12 18 12 72
Grandparent 16 40 56 37 51 200
Biological sibling 236 306 316 296 313 1,467
Other siblingTable 1 Note a types 45 75 85 75 81 361
Other relativeTable 1 Note b types 11 18 11 9 15 64
UnrelatedTable 1 Note c 2nd respondent 4 13 11 7 3 38
Total dyads 1,028 1,613 1,511 1,534 1,561 7,247
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