Table 1
Distribution of audiometrically measured high-frequency hearing lossTable 1 Note  and prevalence of unperceived hearing lossTable 1 Note § by selected characteristics of audiometrically measured hearing loss, household population aged 40 to 79, Canada excluding territories, 2012 to 2015

Table 1
Distribution of audiometrically measured high-frequency hearing lossTable 1 Note  and prevalence of unperceived hearing lossTable 1 Note § by selected characteristics of audiometrically measured hearing loss, household population aged 40 to 79, Canada excluding territories, 2012 to 2015
Table summary
This table displays the results of Distribution of audiometrically measured high-frequency hearing loss and prevalence of unperceived hearing loss by selected characteristics of audiometrically measured hearing loss. The information is grouped by Characteristics of audiometrically measured high-frequency hearing loss (appearing as row headers), Audiometrically measured high-frequency hearing loss, Unperceived hearing loss, Number, % and 95% confidence interval (appearing as column headers).
Characteristics of audiometrically measured high-frequency hearing loss Audiometrically measured high-frequency hearing loss Unperceived hearing loss
Number percent 95% confidence interval Number percent 95% confidence interval
'000 from to '000 from to
Total 8,192 54.0 51.7 56.3 6,307 77.1 73.8 80.1
Unilateral or bilateral
Unilateral 2,350 15.5 13.8 17.3 2,018 85.9Note * 79.3 90.6
BilateralTable 1 Note  5,841 38.5 35.9 41.2 4,289 73.6 69.5 77.2
Mild 3,632 23.9 22.2 25.8 3,363 92.8Note * 88.9 95.4
Moderate to profoundTable 1 Note  4,560 30.1 28.1 32.1 2,944 64.6 59.0 69.8
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