Table 1
Percentage of people reporting cannabis use (past year or three months) by gender, age group and province, household population aged 15 years or older, Canada excluding territories, 2004, 2017, 2018 Quarter 1, and 2019 Quarter 1

Table 1
Percentage of people reporting cannabis use (past year or three months) by gender, age group and province, household population aged 15 years or older, Canada excluding territories, 2004, 2017, 2018 Quarter 1, and 2019 Quarter 1
Table summary
This table displays the results of Percentage of people reporting cannabis use (past year or three months) by gender Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey, Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey, National Cannabis Survey, 2004, 2017, 2018 Quarter 1, 2019 Quaeter 1, %, 95% confidence interval and 95% confidence interval (appearing as column headers).
Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey National Cannabis Survey
2004 2017 2018 Quarter 1 2019 Quarter 1
% 95% confidence interval % 95% confidence interval % 95% confidence interval % 95% confidence interval
lower upper lower upper lower upper lower upper
Canada 9.4 8.7 10.0 14.8Table 1 Note  13.5 16.2 14.0 12.7 15.4 17.5Table 1 Note § 16.1 19.0
Male 12.2Note * 11.1 13.3 18.7Note * Table 1 Note  16.6 20.9 15.8Note * 13.9 17.9 22.3Note * Table 1 Note § 20.0 24.8
FemaleTable 1 Note  6.6 6.0 7.3 11.1Table 1 Note  9.7 12.7 12.2 10.6 14.1 12.7 11.0 14.5
Age group
15 to 24Table 1 Note  25.6 24.0 27.2 26.9 25.0 28.8 23.2 17.0 30.8 29.5 23.5 36.2
25 or older 6.1Note * 5.5 6.9 12.7Note * Table 1 Note  11.3 14.3 12.8Note * 11.6 14.1 15.9Note * Table 1 Note § 14.5 17.4
Age group
15 to 17 20.2Note * 17.9 22.7 14.2Note * Table 1 Note  12.2 16.3 Note F: too unreliable to be published Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note F: too unreliable to be published Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable
18 to 24Table 1 Note  27.9 26.0 30.0 31.4Table 1 Note  29.0 33.9 28.1 20.7 37.0 34.8 27.4 43.1
25 to 44 10.2Note * 8.8 11.7 21.8Note * Table 1 Note  18.6 25.4 21.4 19.0 24.1 24.2Note *  21.5 27.1
45 to 64 4.1Note * 3.3 5.3 9.4Note * Table 1 Note  7.8 11.3 8.8Note * 7.4 10.6 14.0Note * Table 1 Note § 11.9 16.3
65 or older Note F: too unreliable to be published Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 3.0Note E: Use with caution Note * Table 1 Note  1.8 5.2 4.0Note * 2.9 5.5 4.4Note *  3.3 6.0
Average 29.4 28.6 30.3 35.5Table 1 Note  34.2 36.8 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 38.0 36.8 39.2
Newfoundland and Labrador 8.1 6.8 9.6 11.9Table 1 Note  8.7 15.9 16.4 12.6 21.1 18.5 14.6 23.2
Prince Edward Island 8.7 7.4 10.3 14.6Table 1 Note  11.3 18.7 14.1 10.3 18.9 15.4 11.7 19.9
Nova Scotia 11.3Note * 9.7 13.0 18.8Table 1 Note  15.1 23.1 20.0Note * 15.5 25.5 18.2 13.9 23.4
New Brunswick 8.8 7.4 10.6 13.2Table 1 Note  9.8 17.5 14.3 10.3 19.5 18.2 14.2 23.1
Quebec 11.4Note * 9.9 13.1 11.0Note * 8.5 14.1 10.4Note * 8.2 13.0 11.0Note * 8.8 13.8
Ontario 7.7Note * 6.6 9.0 14.0Table 1 Note  12.1 16.3 13.5 11.2 16.3 20.0Note * Table 1 Note § 17.2 23.2
Manitoba 7.6Note * 6.5 8.8 15.7Table 1 Note  12.1 20.1 16.6 13.0 21.0 13.0Note *  9.7 17.2
Saskatchewan 8.2 7.1 9.4 12.5Table 1 Note  9.4 16.3 15.1 11.8 19.2 15.7 12.5 19.4
Alberta 9.6 8.2 11.1 15.0Table 1 Note  11.9 18.9 16.6 13.2 20.6 21.5Note * 17.6 26.0
British Columbia 10.8 9.3 12.4 23.4Note * Table 1 Note  18.5 29.1 17.1 13.9 20.9 19.1 15.6 23.1
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