Table 1
Number and percentage at nutritional risk, by sex and age group, household population aged 65 or older, Canada excluding territories and Quebec, 2008/2009

Table 1
Number and percentage at nutritional risk, by sex and age group, household population aged 65 or older, Canada excluding territories and Quebec, 2008/2009
Table summary
This table displays the results of Number and percentage at nutritional risk. The information is grouped by Sex and age group (appearing as row headers), Number, % of population aged 65 or older and 95% confidence interval, calculated using from and to units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Sex and age group Number % of population aged 65 or older 95% confidence interval
'000 from to
Total 979 33.7 32.3 35.0
Men 384 29.2Note * 27.3 31.2
WomenTable 1 Note  595 37.4 35.5 39.3
Age group
65 to 74Table 1 Note  514 31.7 29.7 33.6
75 or older 465 36.2Note * 34.1 38.3
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