Table 2
Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, by mood/anxiety and substance use disorder status, household population aged 15 to 64, Canada excluding territories, 2012

Table 2
Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, by mood/anxiety and substance use disorder status, household population aged 15 to 64, Canada excluding territories, 2012
Table summary
This table displays the results of Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. The information is grouped by Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics (appearing as row headers), Concurrent disorders, Mood/Anxiety disorder only, Substance use disorder only, % and 95% confidence interval, calculated using from and to units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics Concurrent disordersTable 2 Note  Mood/Anxiety disorder only Substance use disorder only
% 95% confidence interval % 95% confidence interval % 95% confidence interval
from to from to from to
Male 56.1 47.4 64.4 36.4Note * 32.3 40.7 75.6Note * 71.3 79.4
Female 43.9 35.6 52.6 63.6Note * 59.3 67.7 24.4Note * 20.6 28.7
Age group (years)
15 to 24 42.7 33.1 52.9 19.7Note * 16.9 23.0 44.9 39.5 50.3
25 to 44 38.4 29.2 48.5 42.7 38.5 46.9 34.8 30.0 39.9
45 to 64 19.0 13.8 25.5 37.6Note * 33.7 41.6 20.3 15.7 26.0
Marital status
Married/Common-law 26.9Note E: Use with caution 19.0 36.5 45.6Note * 41.5 49.7 34.7 29.0 40.9
Widowed, separated, divorced 12.1Note E: Use with caution 8.2 17.3 15.7 12.6 19.4 3.7Note * 2.6 5.3
Single, never married 61.0 51.2 69.9 38.4Note * 34.5 42.5 61.5 55.4 67.1
Highest level of household education
Secondary school graduation or less 20.5Note E: Use with caution 13.8 29.2 15.2 12.7 18.1 18.0 14.3 22.4
At least some postsecondary 69.2 59.4 77.6 76.1 72.5 79.4 73.7 68.8 78.1
Employment status
Employed 59.6 50.3 68.3 52.1 48.1 56.2 72.8Note * 68.1 77.0
Unemployed 33.7 25.7 42.8 37.3 33.3 41.4 24.3 20.4 28.7
Not in labour force 6.5Note E: Use with caution 4.0 10.5 10.3 8.0 13.1 Note F: too unreliable to be published Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable
Household income adequacy quintileTable 2 Note 
1 and 2 (lowest) 53.0 43.6 62.2 53.2 48.9 57.4 35.1Note * 30.3 40.2
3 (middle) 18.9Note E: Use with caution 12.5 27.5 18.1 15.1 21.4 17.8 14.1 22.3
4 and 5 (highest) 28.1 20.1 37.8 28.8 25.2 32.6 47.1Note * 41.5 52.7
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