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1. K.W. Springer, J. Sheridan, D. Kuo et M. Carnes, « Long-term physical and mental health consequences of childhood physical abuse: Results from a large population-based sample of men and women », Child Abuse and Neglect,31, 2007, p. 517-530.

2. S.V. Batten, M. Aslan, P.K. Maciejewski et C.M. Mazure, « Childhood maltreatment as a risk factor for adult cardiovascular disease and depression », Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 65(2), 2004, p. 249-254.

3. B. Draper, J.J. Pfaff, J. Pirkis et al., « Long-term effects of childhood abuse on the quality of life and health of older people: Results from the Depression and Early Prevention of Suicide in General Practice project », Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 56(2), 2008, p. 262-271.

4. V.J. Felitti, R.F. Anda, D. Nordenberg et al., « Relationship of childhood abuse and household dysfunction to many of the leading causes of death in adults: The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study », American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 14(4), 1998, p. 245-258.

5. S.R. Dube, R.F. Anda, V.J. Felitti et al., « Growing up with parental alcohol abuse: Exposure to childhood abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction », Child Abuse and Neglect, 25, 2001, p. 1627-1640.

6. S.L. Harter, « Psychosocial adjustment of adult children of alcoholics: A review of the recent empirical literature », Clinical Psychology Review, 20(3), 2000, p. 311-337.

7. A.M. Hussong, D.J. Bauer, W. Huang et al., « Characterizing the life stressors of children of alcoholic parents », Journal of Family Psychology, 22(6), 2008, p. 819-832.

8. R. McGee, S. Williams, R. Poulton et T. Moffitt, « A longitudinal study on cannabis use and mental health from adolescence to early adulthood », Addiction, 95(4), 2000, p. 491-503.

9. M.N. Christofferen et K. Soothill, « The long-term consequences of parental alcohol abuse: A cohort study of children in Denmark », Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 25, 2003, p. 107-116.

10. S.I. Bush, M.E. Ballard et W. Fremouw, « Attributional style, depressive features, and self-esteem: Adult children of alcoholic and non-alcoholic parents », Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 24(2), 1995, p. 177-185.

11. K. Klostermann, R. Chen, M.L. Kelley et al., « Coping behavior and depressive symptoms in adult children of alcoholics », Substance Use and Misuse, 46, 2011, p. 1162-1168.

12. T.C. Russ, E. Stamatakis, M. Hamer et al., « Association between psychological distress and mortality: Individual participant pooled analysis of 10 prospective cohort studies », British Medical Journal, 345, 2012, e4933.

13. L. Swain, G. Catlin et M.P. Beaudet, « Enquête nationale sur la santé de la population – une enquête longitudinale », Rapports sur la santé, 10(4), 1999, p. 73-89.

14. J.-L. Tambay et G. Catlin, « Plan d’échantillonnage de l’enquête nationale sur la santé de la population », Rapports sur la santé, 7(1), 1995, p. 33-42.

15. R.C. Kessler, G. Andrews, L.J. Colpe et al., « Short screening scales to monitor population prevalences and trends in non-specific psychological distress », Psychological Medicine, 32, 2002, p. 959-976.

16. C.D. Sherbourne et A.L. Stewart, « The MOS social support survey », Social Science and Medicine, 32(6), 1991, p. 705-714.

17. J.D. Singer et J.B. Willett, Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis: Modeling Change and Event Occurrence. New York, Oxford University Press, 2003.

18. K.M. Green, K.A. Zebrak, J.A. Robertson et al., « Interrelationship of substance use and psychological distress over the life course among a cohort of urban African Americans », Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 123, 2012, p. 239-248.

19. D. Yeo, H. Mantel et T.P. Liu, « Bootstrap variance estimation for the National Population Health Survey », Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association, Survey Research Methods Section, Baltimore, Maryland, août 1999.

20. A.F. Jorm et N.J. Reavley, « Changes in psychological distress in Australian adults between 1995 and 2011 Â», Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 46(4), 2012, p. 352-356.

21. F. Mawani et H. Gilmour, « Validation de l’autoévaluation de la santé mentale », Rapports sur la santé, 21(3), 2010, p. 65-80.

22. S.T. Charles et L.L. Carstensen, « Social and emotional aging », Annual Reviews in Psychology,61, 2009, p. 383-409.

23. S.T. Charles, M. Mather et L.L. Carstensen, « Aging and emotional memory: The forgettable nature of negative images for older adults », Journal of Experimental Psychology, 132(2), 2003, p. 310-324.

24. C.W. Hall et R.E. Webster, « Traumatic symptomatology characteristics of adult children of alcoholics », Journal of Drug Education, 32(3), 2002, p. 195-211.