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Smoking — prevalence, bans and exposure to second-hand smoke

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By Margot Shields

The questions
Data source


  • adolescent behaviour
  • environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)
  • involuntary smoking
  • passive smoking
  • secondary smoking
  • smoking prevalence
  • tobacco use


  • Margot Shields, Health Analysis and Measurement Group
    Statistics Canada
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0T6
    Telephone: (613) 951-4177


The prevalence of smoking continues to decline in Canada, according to recent results from the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS).  About 2 in 10 Canadians aged 12 or older — 21.8% or approximately 5.9 million people — were smokers in 2005.  [Full text]

The questions

In the 2005, 2003 and 2000/01 Canadian Community Health Survey, respondents were asked, "At the present time, do you smoke cigarettes daily, occasionally or not at all?" [Full text]

Data source

Estimates in this article are based on data from the 2005, 2003 and 2000/01 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS), conducted by Statistics Canada.  [Full text]


An electronic version of this article, "An update on smoking from the 2005 Canadian Community Health Survey," was released on June 13, 2006 in the online publication Smoking and Diabetes Care:  Results from the CCHS Cycle 3.1, 2005, part of the Your Community, Your Health:  Findings from the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) series.  The free publication (Catalogue no. 82-621-XWE2006002) is available at /cgi-bin/IPS/display?cat_num=82-621-X20060029226.


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