Table B.3.1
Distribution of total and current expenditure by educational institutions, from public and private sources, by level of education, OECD, Canada, provinces and territories, 2013

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Table B.3.1
Distribution of total and current expenditure by educational institutions, from public and private sources, by level of education, OECD, Canada, provinces and territories, 2013

Table summary
This table displays the results of Distribution of total and current expenditure by educational institutions Percentage of total expenditure, Percentage of current expenditure, Current, Capital, Compensation of teachers, Compensation of other staff, Compensation of all staff and Other current expenditure, calculated using percentage units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  Percentage of total expenditure Percentage of current expenditure
Current Capital Compensation of teachers Compensation of other staff Compensation of all staff Other current expenditure
All primary and secondary education  
OECD average Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Canada 93.0 7.0 65.0 15.0 80.0 20.0
Newfoundland and Labrador 91.9 8.1 69.8 12.0 81.8 18.2
Prince Edward Island 94.9 5.1 69.2 11.2 80.4 19.6
Nova Scotia 94.2 5.8 61.6 11.6 73.2 26.8
New Brunswick 90.7 9.3 67.6 11.7 79.3 20.7
Quebec 92.8 7.2 60.9 16.3 77.2 22.8
Ontario 92.9 7.1 67.1 16.1 83.2 16.8
Manitoba 93.6 6.4 56.7 20.3 77.0 23.0
Saskatchewan 90.7 9.3 53.2 22.2 75.4 24.6
Alberta 95.2 4.8 72.2 7.4 79.6 20.4
British Columbia 91.5 8.5 64.0 14.6 78.6 21.4
Yukon 94.2 5.8 61.4 10.3 71.7 28.3
Northwest Territories 96.4 3.6 54.7 14.4 69.1 30.9
Nunavut 94.2 5.8 67.3 18.3 85.6 14.4
All postsecondary  
OECD averageTable B.3.1 Note 1Table B.3.1 Note 2Table B.3.1 Note 3 89.0 11.0 42.0 25.0 67.0 33.0
CanadaTable B.3.1 Note 4 92.5 7.5 37.7 28.7 66.5 33.5
Newfoundland and Labrador 92.4 7.6 35.0 33.2 68.2 31.8
Prince Edward Island 96.1 3.9 31.9 34.2 66.1 33.9
Nova Scotia 92.6 7.4 34.9 28.6 63.5 36.5
New Brunswick 98.0 2.0 37.8 27.5 65.3 34.7
Quebec 93.8 6.2 41.8 26.5 68.3 31.7
Ontario 94.0 6.0 36.3 28.5 64.8 35.2
Manitoba 92.1 7.9 36.2 28.8 65.0 35.0
Saskatchewan 90.1 9.9 36.8 29.8 66.5 33.5
Alberta 89.9 10.1 35.1 31.2 66.4 33.6
British Columbia 91.9 8.1 39.6 30.2 69.8 30.2
Yukon 93.1 6.9 34.3 26.9 61.3 38.7
Northwest Territories 99.2 0.8 32.9 25.5 58.5 41.5
Nunavut 100.0 0.0 42.7 22.5 65.1 34.9
Short cycle tertiary (college) and post-secondary non-tertiary  
OECD average Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Canada 95.2 4.8 39.7 26.3 66.0 34.0
Newfoundland and Labrador 97.1 2.9 45.9 25.3 71.2 28.8
Prince Edward Island 96.7 3.3 30.7 30.7 61.4 38.6
Nova Scotia 97.6 2.4 37.8 27.5 65.4 34.6
New Brunswick 99.6 0.4 39.2 28.6 67.8 32.2
Quebec 94.2 5.8 49.0 22.4 71.4 28.6
Ontario 99.8 0.2 36.4 26.8 63.2 36.8
Manitoba 97.7 2.3 38.6 29.4 68.0 32.0
Saskatchewan 96.4 3.6 38.8 27.6 66.4 33.6
Alberta 92.0 8.0 33.9 29.3 63.2 36.8
British Columbia 96.8 3.2 39.8 27.6 67.4 32.6
Yukon 93.1 6.9 34.3 26.9 61.3 38.7
Northwest Territories 99.2 0.8 32.9 25.5 58.5 41.5
Nunavut 100.0 0.0 42.7 22.5 65.1 34.9
Bachelor's, Master's, Doctoral or equivalent  
OECD average Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
CanadaTable B.3.1 Note 4 91.1 8.9 36.7 30.0 66.7 33.3
Newfoundland and Labrador 91.0 9.0 31.4 35.8 67.2 32.8
Prince Edward Island 95.6 4.4 32.8 37.0 69.8 30.2
Nova Scotia 91.2 8.8 34.0 28.9 62.9 37.1
New Brunswick 97.2 2.8 37.1 26.9 64.0 36.0
Quebec 93.5 6.5 37.6 28.9 66.4 33.6
Ontario 91.2 8.8 36.2 29.3 65.6 34.4
Manitoba 89.8 10.2 35.2 28.5 63.7 36.3
Saskatchewan 87.9 12.1 36.0 30.6 66.6 33.4
Alberta 88.6 11.4 35.8 32.4 68.2 31.8
British Columbia 89.2 10.8 39.5 31.7 71.2 28.8
Yukon Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable
Northwest Territories Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable
Nunavut Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable
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