Table C.2.2
Percentage of 15- to 29-year-olds in education and not in education, by sex and labour force status, Canada, provinces and territories, 2010

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Table C.2.2
Percentage of 15- to 29-year-olds in education and not in education, by sex and labour force status, Canada, provinces and territories, 2010
Table summary
This table displays the results of percentage of 15- to 29-year-olds in education and not in education in education, not in education, total, unemployed, not in the labour force and sub-total, not employed, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  In education Not in education Total
Students in
work-study programmesNote 1
Other employed UnemployedNote 2 Not in the labour forceNote 3 Total, in education EmployedNote 4 NEETs (not in employment, not in education or training) Total, not in education
UnemployedNote 2 Not in the labour forceNote 3 Sub-total,
Not employedNote 5
OECD averageNote 6  
Both sexes 11.1 1.9 32.5 47.1 37.1 6.7 9.1 15.8 52.9 100.0
Males 10.2 2.1 32.0 46.0 40.3 8.0 5.8 13.8 54.0 100.0
Females 12.0 2.0 33.0 48.3 33.8 5.4 12.5 17.9 51.7 100.0
CanadaNote 7  
Both sexes 17.8 2.9 23.3 43.9 42.5 6.1 7.5 13.5 56.1 100.0
Males 14.8 3.0 24.1 41.8 43.8 8.2 6.1 14.3 58.2 100.0
Females 20.9 2.7 22.5 46.1 41.2 3.9 8.9 12.7 53.9 100.0
Newfoundland and Labrador  
Both sexes 13.2 2.1Note E: Use with caution 28.7 44.0 34.9 11.3 9.9 21.1 56.0 100.0
Males Note ...: not applicable 10.7 1.8Note E: Use with caution 27.6 40.0 33.5 17.1 9.4 26.5 60.0 100.0
Females Note ...: not applicable 15.8 2.3Note E: Use with caution 29.9 48.0 36.3 5.4Note E: Use with caution 10.3 15.7 52.0 100.0
Prince Edward Island  
Both sexes 19.2 3.0Note E: Use with caution 26.7 48.9 37.1 8.3 5.7 14.0 51.1 100.0
Males Note ...: not applicable 16.5 3.0Note E: Use with caution 24.5 44.0 37.6 12.8 5.6Note E: Use with caution 18.4 56.0 100.0
Females Note ...: not applicable 21.9 3.0Note E: Use with caution 28.9 53.8 36.6 3.9Note E: Use with caution 5.7Note E: Use with caution 9.6 46.2 100.0
Nova Scotia  
Both sexes 18.2 2.5 23.0 43.8 40.9 8.0 7.4 15.4 56.2 100.0
Males Note ...: not applicable 15.8 3.4Note E: Use with caution 24.5 43.7 39.8 11.3 5.3 16.6 56.3 100.0
Females Note ...: not applicable 20.5 1.7Note E: Use with caution 21.6 43.8 41.9 4.9 9.4 14.3 56.2 100.0
New Brunswick  
Both sexes 14.4 2.7 24.8 41.9 42.9 7.6 7.7 15.2 58.1 100.0
Males Note ...: not applicable 12.2 3.1Note E: Use with caution 26.4 41.7 40.6 10.2 7.5 17.7 58.3 100.0
Females Note ...: not applicable 16.5 2.3Note E: Use with caution 23.3 42.0 45.3 4.8 7.9 12.7 58.0 100.0
Both sexes 20.1 3.3 21.7 45.1 41.1 6.1 7.7 13.8 54.9 100.0
Males Note ...: not applicable 16.6 3.6 21.1 41.3 42.7 8.5 7.5 16.0 58.7 100.0
Females Note ...: not applicable 23.8 2.9 22.3 49.0 39.5 3.6 7.9 11.5 51.0 100.0
Both sexes 18.2 3.0 25.5 46.7 39.5 6.5 7.3 13.8 53.3 100.0
Males Note ...: not applicable 15.5 3.0 27.4 46.0 39.3 8.9 5.9 14.7 54.0 100.0
Females Note ...: not applicable 20.9 3.0 23.4 47.4 39.7 4.1 8.8 12.9 52.6 100.0
Both sexes 18.2 2.3 21.3 41.8 45.9 4.2 8.2 12.3 58.2 100.0
Males Note ...: not applicable 16.4 2.5 22.5 41.4 48.1 5.5 4.9 10.4 58.6 100.0
Females Note ...: not applicable 20.1 2.1Note E: Use with caution 20.0 42.2 43.5 2.8 11.6 14.3 57.8 100.0
Both sexes 16.3 1.7 20.7 38.8 49.5 4.2 7.6 11.8 61.2 100.0
Males Note ...: not applicable 13.3 2.0 19.6 34.9 55.4 5.3 4.4 9.7 65.1 100.0
Females Note ...: not applicable 19.5 1.4Note E: Use with caution 21.9 42.8 43.3 3.0 10.9 13.9 57.2 100.0
Both sexes 14.9 2.4 19.1 36.4 51.8 4.9 6.8 11.7 63.6 100.0
Males Note ...: not applicable 11.6 2.5 19.4 33.6 57.1 5.3 4.0 9.3 66.4 100.0
Females Note ...: not applicable 18.5 2.3 18.7 39.5 46.1 4.5 9.9 14.4 60.5 100.0
British Columbia  
Both sexes 16.2 2.6 23.8 42.6 44.3 5.7 7.5 13.1 57.4 100.0
Males Note ...: not applicable 12.8 2.6 24.3 39.8 45.4 8.2 6.6 14.8 60.2 100.0
Females Note ...: not applicable 19.7 2.6 23.2 45.6 43.1 3.0 8.3 11.3 54.4 100.0
Both sexes 12.6 Note x: suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act 22.4 36.1 44.4 7.7Note E: Use with caution 11.8 19.5 63.9 100.0
Males Note ...: not applicable 11.3Note E: Use with caution Note x: suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act 20.1Note E: Use with caution 32.5 48.8 7.1Note E: Use with caution 11.6Note E: Use with caution 18.7 67.5 100.0
Females Note ...: not applicable 14.0Note E: Use with caution Note x: suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act 24.6 39.8 39.9 8.3Note E: Use with caution 12.0Note E: Use with caution 20.3Note E: Use with caution 60.2 100.0
Northwest Territories  
Both sexes 6.9 Note x: suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act 31.6 39.6 40.1 6.0 14.3 20.3 60.4 100.0
Males Note ...: not applicable 6.5 Note x: suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act 31.8 39.2 40.6 7.5Note E: Use with caution 12.7Note E: Use with caution 20.2 60.8 100.0
Females Note ...: not applicable 7.3 Note x: suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act 31.5 40.0 39.6 4.4Note E: Use with caution 16.0 20.4 60.0 100.0
Both sexes 6.1 Note x: suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act 26.7 33.7 32.3 9.3 24.7 34.0 66.3 100.0
Males Note ...: not applicable Note x: suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act Note x: suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act 28.1 31.3 33.1 12.0Note E: Use with caution 23.6 35.6 68.7 100.0
Females Note ...: not applicable 9.3 Note x: suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act 25.3 36.1 31.4 6.6 25.9 32.5 63.9 100.0
… not applicable
x suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act
E use with caution
1. Students in work-study programmes are considered to be both in education and employed, irrespective of their labour market status according to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) definition.
2. Individuals who were, during the survey reference week, without work, actively seeking employment and currently available to start work.
3. Individuals who were not working and who were not unemployed; i.e., individuals who were not looking for a job.
4. Those who, during the survey reference week: worked for pay (employees) or profit (self-employed and unpaid family workers) for at least one hour; or had a job but were temporarily not at work (through injury, illness, holiday, strike or lock-out, educational or training leave, maternity or parental leave, etc.)
5. Reflects those who were "unemployed" or "not in the labour force." In the Labour Force Survey (LFS), those individuals who are, during the survey reference week, without work, actively seeking employment and currently available to start work are categorized as unemployed. Individuals who are not working and who are not unemployed (individuals who are not looking for a job) are categorized as "not in the labour force."
6. These averages are from Education at a Glance 2012: OECD Indicators, Table C5.2a, Percentage of 15-29 year-olds in education and not in education, by 5-year age group and work status (2010), Table C5.2b (Web only) Percentage of 15-29 year-old young men in education and not in education (2010) and Table C5.2c. (Web only) Percentage of 15-29 year-old young women in education and not in education (2010), which present the most recent available data for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's member countries for which data were available or could be estimated. Please see the OECD Web site.
7. Labour Force Survey (LFS) estimates for Canada are derived using the results of the LFS in the provinces; the territories are not included.
Notes: Estimates for small geographic areas, for small groups, or for cross-classified variables will be associated with larger variability.
Due to rounding, sub-totals and totals may not match the sum of the individual values.
Sources: Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey (LFS); Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Education at a Glance 2012: OECD Indicators.
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