
    Culture, Tourism and the Centre for Education Statistics

    Summary Public School Indicators for Canada, the Provinces and Territories, 2002/2003 to 2008/2009

    Summary Public School Indicators for Canada, the Provinces and Territories, 2002/2003 to 2008/2009

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    by Riley Brockington


    The Centre for Education Statistics Division at Statistics Canada sincerely appreciates the continued support and collaboration from the Departments/Ministries of Education from each province and territory and their employees who work diligently to collect and compile data for the Elementary-Secondary Education Survey (ESES) in a timely and thorough fashion.

    Statistics Canada maintains a close relationship with the Canadian Education Statistics Council, particularly the Strategic Management Committee (SMC) and seeks their on-going advice and guidance on the survey.

    The Centre for Education Statistics Division also appreciates the efforts of Jean Francois Laroche, former Chief, and Chantal Vaillancourt, Acting Chief of the Institutional Surveys Section, for their guidance and oversight, Elaine Tremblay for her technical assistance with the data tables and charts, Danielle Baum and Rosemarie Andrews for the production of PDF and HTML dissemination tables and Klarka Zeman, Manager, Dissemination Unit.

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