
    Culture, Tourism and the Centre for Education Statistics

    Registered Apprentices: The Cohorts of 1994 and 1995, One Decade Later

    Registered Apprentices: The Cohorts of 1994 and 1995, One Decade Later

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    by Louise Desjardins and Nicole Paquin

    Executive summary

    This report looks at completion and discontinuation rates of registered apprentices using two longitudinal cohorts created from the Registered Apprenticeship Information System (RAIS). These cohorts comprised registered apprentices who first enrolled in an apprenticeship program in 1994 or in 1995.

    The purpose of this study is to provide measures of completion of apprenticeship programs and information on the learning paths of the apprentices tracked over an 11-year period. It follows two other reports published in 2005 and in 2008, which examined the same issues. In those studies, results for three provinces — New Brunswick, Ontario and Alberta — were analyzed for the cohorts of new apprenticeship enrolees in the years 1992 and 1993. The current report includes three new provinces: Quebec, Manitoba and British Columbia.

    Overall, approximately half of the individuals newly registered in an apprenticeship program in 1994 and 1995 completed their training at some point over the ensuing 11-year period. As in previous cohorts, the industrial and mechanical trades group consistently had above-average completion rates in each of the six provinces.

    Overall, nominal program duration did not seem to influence the completion rate. The proportion of completers of four-year programs was comparable to that for two-year programs and even exceeded the proportion of completers in three-year programs.

    Most completers — approximately 60% — took an amount of time equal to or less than 50% beyond the nominal duration of the program to complete it. There appeared to be no explicit link between the completion rate in a trade and exceeding the time required to complete the program.

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