Table 1-62
Salaries of full-time teaching staff at Canadian universities and colleges, 2009/2010 — Simon Fraser University

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Simon Fraser University

Table summary
This table displays the results of simon fraser university total teaching staff, teaching staff excluded, average, median, percentile and 10th, calculated using 10th, 90th, numbers and dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).

  Total teaching staff Teaching staff excluded Average Median Percentile
10th 90th
  numbers dollars
Full professors 294 17 137,368 133,045 117,043 164,307
With senior administrative duties 45 10 140,428 140,583 122,326 159,939
Without senior administrative
249 7 136,815 133,045 117,011 164,421
Associate professors 267 3 111,383 106,849 94,129 132,800
With senior administrative duties 21 0 120,452 110,030 105,400 174,101
Without senior administrative
246 3 110,609 104,972 93,080 131,830
Assistant professors 226 14 93,490 89,290 77,031 115,086
Rank below assistant 140 1 83,531 86,013 70,430 95,826
Other teaching staff 0 0 0 0 0 0
All ranks combined (including
936 26 111,964 107,897 80,692 146,855
Male 621 13 116,412 112,960 83,113 153,045
Female 315 13 103,193 100,847 74,957 133,045
Visiting staff 0 0 0 0 0 0
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