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This report was jointly produced by Statistics Canada and the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC), in partnership with the departments and ministries of the provinces and territories with responsibility for education and training. Two intergovernmental committees have played a key role in the development of this publication: the Canadian Education Statistics Council (CESC) and the Strategic Management Committee of the CESC. The CMEC and Statistics Canada project team is also listed.

Canadian Education Statistics Council
Table summary
This table displays the results of Canadian Education Statistics Council . The information is grouped by Name (appearing as row headers), Departments and ministries, provinces and territories (appearing as column headers).
Name Departments and ministries, provinces and territories
Janet Vivian-Walsh Department of Education, Newfoundland and Labrador
Lori Anne Companion Department of Advanced Education and Skills, Newfoundland and Labrador
Alexander MacDonald Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Prince Edward Island
Neil Stewart Department of Innovation and Advanced Learning, Prince Edward Island
Carole Olsen Department of Education, Nova Scotia
Sandra McKenzie Department of Labour and Advanced Education, Nova Scotia
John McLaughlin Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, New Brunswick
Gérald Richard Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, New Brunswick
Thomas Mann Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour, New Brunswick
Bernard Matte Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport, Quebec
Gilbert Charland Ministry for Advanced Education, Research, Science and Technology, Quebec
George Zegarac Ministry of Education, Ontario
Deborah Newman Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, Ontario
Gerald Farthing Department of Education / Department of Advanced Education and Literacy, Manitoba
Dan Florizone Ministry of Education, Saskatchewan
Louise Greenberg Ministry of Advanced Education, Saskatchewan
Greg Bass Alberta Education
David Morhart Ministry of Enterprise and Advanced Education, Alberta
James Gorman Ministry of Education / Ministry of Advanced Education, Innovation and Technology, British Columbia
Valerie Royle Department of Education, Yukon
Gloria Iatridis Department of Education, Culture and Employment, Northwest Territories
Gabriela Eggenhofer Department of Education, Culture and Employment, Northwest Territories
Kathy Okpik Department of Education, Nunavut
Wayne Smith Statistics Canada
Strategic Management Committee
Table summary
This table displays the results of Strategic Management Committee . The information is grouped by Name (appearing as row headers), Departments and ministries, provinces and territories (appearing as column headers).
Name Departments and ministries, provinces and territories
Ron Smith Department of Education, Newfoundland and Labrador
Candice Ennis-Williams Department of Advanced Education and Skills, Newfoundland and Labrador
Robin Phillips Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Prince Edward Island
Shannon Delbridge Department of Education, Nova Scotia
Greg Ells Department of Labour and Advanced Education, Nova Scotia
Dawn Gordon Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission (MPHEC), New Brunswick
Monica LeBlanc Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, New Brunswick
Christine LaForge Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, New Brunswick
Hope Brewer Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour, New Brunswick
Myriam Proulx Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport, Quebec
Richard Royer Ministry for Advanced Education, Research, Science and Technology, Quebec
Taddesse Haile Ministry of Education, Ontario
Chris Monahan Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, Ontario
Rhonda Shaw Department of Education, Manitoba
Dallas Morrow Department of Advanced Education and Literacy, Manitoba
Rick Johnson Ministry of Education, Saskatchewan
Jan Gray Ministry of Advanced Education, Saskatchewan
Michael Walter Alberta Education
Kurt Schreiner Ministry of Enterprise and Advanced Education, Alberta
Gerald Morton Ministry of Education, British Columbia
Elizabeth Lemay Department of Education, Yukon
Paul Devitt Department of Education, Culture and Employment, Northwest Territories
Brad Chambers Department of Education, Nunavut
Sylvie Michaud Statistics Canada
Johanne Denis Statistics Canada
Andrew Parkin Council of Ministers of Education, Canada
Amanda Hodgkinson Council of Ministers of Education, Canada
Project teamNote 1
Table summary
This table displays the results of Project team. The information is grouped by Name (appearing as row headers), Institution (appearing as column headers).
Name Institution
Angelo Elias Statistics Canada
Parvin Fahr Statistics Canada
Michael Martin Statistics Canada
Teresa Omiecinski Statistics Canada
Barbara Riggs Statistics Canada
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