Table D.3.4
Number and salary of full-time university teaching staff,Note 1 by academic rank and sex, Canada and provinces, 1999/2000 and 2009/2010

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Table D.3.4
Number and salary of full-time university teaching staff,Note 1 by academic rank and sex, Canada and provinces, 1999/2000 and 2009/2010
Table summary
This table displays the results of number and salary of full-time university teaching staff. This information is grouped by Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and 1999/2000, 2009/2010 (appearing as column headers), calculated using numder, percentage and canadian dollar as units of mesure.
  Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia
All full-time teaching staff  
Both sexes Number 32,013 43,710 831 924 189 222 1,911 2,130 1,077 1,182 8,004 9,516 11,940 15,885 1,419 1,719 441 1,572 3,033 4,815 3,171 5,742
Male Number 23,328 28,020 615 579 129 144 1,311 1,284 747 711 6,021 6,381 8,661 10,128 1,032 1,110 297 1,014 2,199 3,048 2,316 3,624
Female Number 8,685 15,693 216 345 57 78 597 849 330 468 1,983 3,138 3,279 5,757 387 606 144 561 834 1,770 855 2,121
Percent female % 27 36 26 37 30 35 31 40 31 40 25 33 27 36 27 35 33 36 27 37 27 37
Average salaryNote 2  
Both sexes CAN$ 78,076 112,419 65,810 105,745 68,670 103,810 70,144 98,977 68,399 100,000 75,736 105,705 81,721 118,535 75,852 104,908 64,562 112,648 79,261 120,621 83,833 110,881
Male CAN$ 81,151 117,216 68,015 110,099 71,372 107,363 73,671 103,385 71,673 104,613 77,873 109,294 84,885 123,022 79,899 110,068 68,202 116,173 83,221 128,318 87,286 116,980
Female CAN$ 69,817 103,852 59,460 98,429 62,661 97,343 62,405 92,301 61,042 93,001 69,256 98,403 73,366 110,643 65,061 95,488 57,080 106,283 68,804 107,347 74,463 100,462
Gender gapNote 3 % 86 89 87 89 88 91 85 89 85 89 89 90 86 90 81 87 84 91 83 84 85 86
Full professors  
Both sexes Number 13,101 14,586 297 294 51 66 669 669 468 429 3,528 3,933 4,698 4,848 585 573 129 549 1,326 1,638 1,350 1,590
Male Number 11,196 11,265 267 234 45 51 573 510 378 321 3,000 2,991 4,044 3,741 513 444 108 426 1,113 1,290 1,158 1,254
Female Number 1,905 3,321 30 60 6 15 96 159 90 108 528 939 657 1,104 69 129 21 123 213 348 192 336
Percent female % 15 23 10 20 12 23 14 24 19 25 15 24 14 23 12 23 16 22 16 21 14 21
Average salaryNote 2  
Both sexes CAN$ 92,613 139,900 77,686 129,664 83,908 128,500 86,155 123,463 82,492 122,396 86,303 125,813 96,759 147,653 93,195 135,079 85,347 137,597 97,507 157,330 100,653 149,694
Male CAN$ 93,333 141,553 77,847 130,285 84,305 128,819 86,879 124,540 83,678 123,027 86,836 127,170 97,456 148,733 94,195 137,859 86,706 140,078 98,946 160,313 100,890 151,285
Female CAN$ 88,379 134,292 76,247 127,262 81,412 127,313 81,829 120,006 77,512 120,492 83,277 121,493 92,465 144,000 85,981 125,416 78,354 129,004 89,963 146,281 99,226 143,748
Gender gapNote 3 % 95 95 98 98 97 99 94 96 93 98 96 96 95 97 91 91 90 92 91 91 98 95
Associate professors  
Both sexes Number 11,178 14,724 363 336 63 96 678 744 294 387 3,063 3,402 4,179 5,829 414 552 138 480 957 1,467 1,029 1,440
Male Number 7,773 9,210 255 204 45 57 459 432 201 225 2,166 2,178 2,871 3,660 297 345 99 303 657 885 723 918
Female Number 3,405 5,517 108 129 18 36 219 312 87 162 897 1,221 1,308 2,169 114 207 42 174 300 582 309 525
Percent female % 30 37 30 38 29 38 32 42 30 42 29 36 31 37 28 38 30 36 31 40 30 36
Average salaryNote 2  
Both sexes CAN$ 74,235 109,429 63,526 105,337 71,847 101,713 67,515 96,980 65,373 96,314 72,093 99,772 78,425 117,101 72,500 98,596 66,733 110,124 72,523 114,188 77,763 111,684
Male CAN$ 75,281 110,732 64,035 106,185 72,351 102,914 68,196 98,086 66,011 97,279 73,190 100,783 79,654 118,444 73,327 99,278 65,982 108,019 73,607 117,280 79,023 113,293
Female CAN$ 71,846 107,253 62,318 103,990 70,681 99,862 66,095 95,439 63,918 94,983 69,436 97,967 75,727 114,836 70,376 97,456 68,572 113,835 70,157 109,487 74,810 108,871
Gender gapNote 3 % 95 97 97 98 98 97 97 97 97 98 95 97 95 97 96 98 104 105 95 93 95 96
Assistant professors  
Both sexes Number 6,258 10,329 162 276 69 57 459 651 246 219 1,047 1,866 2,526 4,107 342 504 117 390 696 1,050 597 1,212
Male Number 3,645 5,637 90 138 42 33 246 327 132 111 615 1,050 1,491 2,223 189 270 66 213 408 579 360 696
Female Number 2,613 4,695 72 141 27 24 210 324 114 105 435 819 1,032 1,887 153 231 48 177 288 471 237 516
Percent female % 42 45 44 51 39 42 46 50 46 48 42 44 41 46 45 46 41 45 41 45 40 43
Average salaryNote 2  
Both sexes CAN$ 59,470 88,781 49,895 83,772 55,773 80,395 55,669 78,903 50,131 77,574 57,096 80,248 63,266 93,029 56,748 83,120 50,748 94,613 56,380 92,142 64,216 93,929
Male CAN$ 60,464 89,684 50,570 83,210 56,429 81,236 56,426 78,752 49,939 76,845 57,566 81,561 64,333 93,972 56,790 84,298 50,584 92,188 57,675 93,000 65,890 95,696
Female CAN$ 58,084 87,695 49,030 84,315 54,835 79,239 54,780 79,056 50,356 78,352 56,431 78,565 61,723 91,917 56,696 81,738 50,976 97,501 54,530 91,093 61,652 91,540
Gender gapNote 3 % 96 98 97 101 97 98 97 100 101 102 98 96 96 98 100 97 101 106 95 98 94 96
OtherNote 4  
Both sexes Number 1,476 4,071 6 18 3 3 105 72 72 147 366 315 534 1,104 78 87 60 156 54 663 195 1,500
Male Number 711 1,908 0 6 3 0 30 15 33 54 240 159 249 507 33 45 24 72 21 297 75 756
Female Number 765 2,160 6 12 6 3 72 54 39 93 126 156 282 597 45 42 36 87 33 363 117 747
Percent female % 52 53 100 67 200 100 69 75 54 63 34 50 53 54 58 48 60 56 61 55 60 50
Average salaryNote 2  
Both sexes CAN$ 57,020 84,733 44,209 65,657 x x 47,757 72,296 51,463 77,474 57,834 69,667 62,457 93,153 48,375 72,905 40,559 77,894 46,778 89,315 59,424 82,666
Male CAN$ 59,564 86,152 0 65,332 x 0 48,397 72,000 55,936 82,211 60,170 72,384 64,457 93,650 49,770 75,508 42,088 78,866 50,093 91,082 60,216 84,095
Female CAN$ 54,652 83,481 45,092 65,773 46,541 x 47,473 72,371 47,773 74,831 53,421 66,915 60,690 92,732 47,374 69,921 39,554 77,112 44,668 87,877 58,912 81,218
Gender gapNote 3 % 92 97 0 101 0 x 98 101 85 91 89 92 94 99 95 93 94 98 89 96 98 97
… not applicable
0 true zero or a value rounded to zero
x suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act
1. Excludes: staff who have been on unpaid leave; all religious and military personnel or similar staff paid according to salary scales lower than those applying to lay staff.
2. In current dollars. To convert this current dollar data to constant dollar amounts for comparison over time, it is recommended that the Consumer Price Index be used. For the index and further details on converting, see Table F.1.3.
3. Defined as the average salary of females as a percentage of the average salary of males.
4. Includes lecturers, instructors and other teaching staff.
Note: To ensure the confidentiality of responses, a random rounding process is applied to the data. Since the total and subtotals are independently rounded, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values. Similarly, percentage distributions, which are calculated on rounded data, may not necessarily add up to 100%.
For a brief description of this indicator, including the methodology, please see the Handbook for the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program.
Source: Statistics Canada, University and College Academic Staff Survey, data published December 2011.
Updated December 14, 2011.
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