Statistics Canada
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Table D.1.5.2
University enrolment, by sex, registration status, and program type, Canada and provinces, 1997/1998, 2002/2003 and 2007/2008

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  Both sexes1 Male Female
1997/1998 2002/2003 2007/2008 1997/1998 2002/2003 2007/2008 1997/1998 2002/2003 2007/2008
Full-time students
Total full-time enrolment, all program levels2
Canada3 573,099 677,478 796,440 260,436 294,918 346,581 312,663 382,527 449,757
Newfoundland and Labrador 13,116 13,953 14,112 5,673 5,355 5,529 7,443 8,583 8,559
Prince Edward Island 2,451 2,952 3,177 948 1,041 1,152 1,503 1,914 2,022
Nova Scotia 30,078 33,903 33,702 13,170 14,355 14,292 16,905 19,539 19,380
New Brunswick 18,504 19,887 19,317 8,364 8,397 8,055 10,137 11,490 11,253
Quebec 131,073 153,330 170,760 59,010 67,017 74,820 72,063 86,313 95,940
Ontario 227,154 277,443 360,036 104,556 121,950 156,987 122,598 155,493 203,052
Manitoba 21,024 25,233 30,813 9,594 10,740 13,221 11,430 14,490 17,589
Saskatchewan3 23,862 25,923 15,735 10,539 11,013 7,071 13,323 14,907 8,667
Alberta 52,824 62,889 68,433 24,291 28,053 30,432 28,533 34,836 37,995
British Columbia 53,013 61,965 80,349 24,285 26,997 35,022 28,728 34,968 45,300
Canada3 481,134 563,628 653,403 212,853 238,326 277,683 268,281 325,281 375,660
Newfoundland and Labrador 8,892 9,189 9,720 3,870 3,579 3,774 5,022 5,598 5,940
Prince Edward Island 2,379 2,853 3,027 918 1,002 1,104 1,461 1,848 1,923
Nova Scotia 26,703 30,048 29,391 11,496 12,381 12,366 15,207 17,661 16,995
New Brunswick 16,722 18,012 17,349 7,494 7,503 7,086 9,228 10,509 10,257
Quebec 104,697 119,568 128,163 45,423 50,016 54,060 59,271 69,552 74,103
Ontario 195,453 237,243 308,001 87,471 101,421 131,634 107,982 135,822 176,367
Manitoba 17,856 22,356 27,171 7,905 9,267 11,511 9,948 13,086 15,657
Saskatchewan3 20,793 22,680 12,936 8,910 9,339 5,598 11,880 13,338 7,335
Alberta 45,522 52,995 55,671 20,490 22,923 23,991 25,029 30,072 31,677
British Columbia 42,117 48,681 61,977 18,867 20,889 26,559 23,250 27,792 35,403
Canada3 75,381 92,568 121,866 39,795 47,316 59,478 35,589 45,252 62,355
Newfoundland and Labrador 1,368 1,200 1,530 696 582 723 669 615 792
Prince Edward Island 36 60 96 15 24 33 21 36 66
Nova Scotia 2,202 2,889 3,588 1,128 1,488 1,620 1,074 1,404 1,968
New Brunswick 927 1,218 1,494 492 648 780 438 573 711
Quebec 22,650 28,989 37,188 11,748 14,670 18,093 10,899 14,319 19,092
Ontario 27,936 34,539 46,998 15,084 18,024 23,226 12,849 16,518 23,772
Manitoba 2,364 2,133 3,006 1,290 1,134 1,437 1,074 999 1,569
Saskatchewan3 1,734 2,016 1,845 999 1,032 975 735 984 870
Alberta 6,183 8,055 10,833 3,267 4,332 5,544 2,919 3,723 5,286
British Columbia 9,981 11,475 15,288 5,073 5,385 7,053 4,908 6,087 8,226
Part-time students
Total part-time enrolment, all program levels2
Canada3 249,672 258,915 269,910 97,980 103,152 106,005 151,695 155,730 163,809
Newfoundland and Labrador 2,682 2,952 3,186 1,023 1,164 1,284 1,659 1,776 1,893
Prince Edward Island 483 609 660 138 189 225 345 423 432
Nova Scotia 7,005 7,992 7,743 2,619 2,874 2,622 4,389 5,106 5,109
New Brunswick 4,182 4,767 4,365 1,389 1,740 1,596 2,793 3,024 2,754
Quebec 101,019 97,479 97,254 39,909 38,802 37,356 61,113 58,677 59,898
Ontario 76,254 85,293 86,277 30,150 35,034 36,138 46,104 50,259 50,139
Manitoba 9,795 9,939 9,486 3,972 3,609 3,453 5,826 6,327 6,030
Saskatchewan3 7,365 8,331 4,869 2,781 3,210 1,737 4,584 5,121 3,135
Alberta 18,594 20,559 26,229 7,023 7,773 9,390 11,571 12,783 16,809
British Columbia 22,290 20,997 29,838 8,979 8,760 12,207 13,311 12,234 17,607
Canada3 151,887 155,499 159,288 57,288 60,825 62,634 94,596 94,662 96,624
Newfoundland and Labrador 1,197 1,317 1,353 474 540 537 723 765 810
Prince Edward Island 438 333 405 120 102 165 318 228 237
Nova Scotia 3,558 3,954 3,942 1,359 1,515 1,434 2,199 2,436 2,493
New Brunswick 1,644 2,283 2,820 510 954 1,008 1,134 1,332 1,812
Quebec 62,382 59,973 59,868 22,950 22,278 21,855 39,432 37,695 38,013
Ontario 47,673 53,112 52,530 18,018 21,639 22,119 29,655 31,473 30,411
Manitoba 7,395 7,329 7,212 3,042 2,799 2,736 4,350 4,527 4,473
Saskatchewan3 3,603 4,842 2,598 1,284 1,743 798 2,316 3,099 1,800
Alberta 7,284 5,709 8,160 2,709 2,172 3,153 4,575 3,540 5,001
British Columbia 16,716 16,650 20,400 6,822 7,083 8,829 9,894 9,567 11,568
Canada3 37,308 42,387 43,923 17,025 19,251 18,249 20,283 23,136 25,662
Newfoundland and Labrador 633 696 885 279 321 369 351 378 513
Prince Edward Island x 81 99 x 27 15 x 51 84
Nova Scotia 1,284 2,361 2,559 477 816 783 807 1,545 1,773
New Brunswick 561 654 786 252 267 288 309 387 495
Quebec 18,411 19,845 19,269 8,604 9,366 8,292 9,807 10,476 10,974
Ontario 9,348 10,101 11,043 4,386 4,779 5,067 4,962 5,325 5,979
Manitoba 882 852 1,047 351 309 351 528 546 693
Saskatchewan3 1,251 912 387 600 438 174 648 471 213
Alberta 2,877 4,122 5,229 1,254 1,839 1,917 1,620 2,283 3,312
British Columbia 2,064 2,766 2,622 819 1,089 987 1,245 1,677 1,626
1. Includes enrolments for which sex was not reported. Figures may not add up because of the exclusion of the "sex unknown" category in the table or because of rounding.
2. Total includes the following categories not listed in this table: "Trade/vocational and preparatory training certificate or diploma", "Community college certificate or diploma or other community college level" and "Other program levels". "Other program levels" include program levels not applicable or non-programs (taking non-credit courses or taking courses without seeking a credential).
3. For University of Regina, enrolments since 2005/2006 are not available.
4. Undergraduate includes programs leading to a bachelor's degree, a first professional degree, an applied degree, university preliminary year or pre-bachelor, undergraduate level certificate or diploma, license undergraduate and licentiate or testamur.
5. Graduate includes programs leading to a Master's degree, an Earned doctorate, Post-doctoral program, master's qualifying year, university graduate level certificate or diploma, Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) qualifying year or probationary, internship (Postgraduate Medical Education known as post-M.D.) and residency (medical, dental, veterinary).
Notes: To ensure the confidentiality of responses, all counts are randomly rounded to a multiple of 3. Since the total and subtotals are independently rounded, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values.
Universities include universities (independent institutions granting degrees in at least arts and sciences); Colleges of theology (independent institutions granting degrees only in theology); Liberal arts colleges (independent institutions granting degrees in only in arts); Other (independent institutions granting degrees in specialized fields other than theology (such as engineering, fine arts)). Private non-subsidized institutions are not included.
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM Table 477-0013, Postsecondary Student Information System. Last updated July 13, 2009.