Statistics Canada
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Table D.1.4
College enrolment, by sex, registration status and program type, Canada, provinces and territories, 2000/2001 and 2005/2006

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  Both sexes1 Male Female
2000/2001 2005/2006 2000/2001 2005/2006 2000/2001 2005/2006
Full-time students
Total full-time enrolment, all program levels2
Canada 432,438 461,589 196,743 207,009 235,566 253,653
Newfoundland and Labrador 3,690 4,587 2,154 2,340 1,536 2,244
Prince Edward Island 1,362 1,356 690 624 672 576
Nova Scotia 6,726 6,546 3,546 3,483 3,180 3,060
New Brunswick 5,103 8,046 2,874 4,272 2,226 3,651
Quebec3 174,192 167,706 75,102 70,251 99,090 97,452
Ontario 136,506 160,458 67,008 78,138 69,450 81,810
Manitoba 5,742 5,235 2,526 2,406 3,216 2,829
Saskatchewan 4,035 7,248 1,746 2,970 2,286 4,239
Alberta4 34,509 41,796 14,952 17,823 19,560 23,892
British Columbia 60,063 57,867 25,956 24,492 34,032 33,354
Yukon 270 153 111 78 159 75
Northwest Territories 78 363 24 81 57 285
Nunavut 162 231 54 51 108 180
College certificate or diploma and other college level5
Canada 419,727 429,243 191,868 192,705 227,766 235,743
Newfoundland and Labrador 3,675 4,260 2,145 2,076 1,530 2,181
Prince Edward Island 1,296 1,356 672 624 627 576
Nova Scotia 6,726 6,501 3,546 3,477 3,180 3,024
New Brunswick 5,103 5,520 2,874 2,910 2,226 2,553
Quebec3 174,156 167,640 75,093 70,221 99,063 97,416
Ontario 136,476 145,941 66,990 71,334 69,441 74,160
Manitoba 5,742 5,205 2,526 2,394 3,216 2,811
Saskatchewan 4,035 6,774 1,746 2,814 2,286 3,927
Alberta4 34,509 38,349 14,952 16,173 19,560 22,098
British Columbia 47,496 46,953 21,138 20,481 26,319 26,457
Yukon 270 153 111 78 159 75
Northwest Territories 78 363 24 81 57 285
Nunavut 162 231 54 51 108 180
Canada .. 16,884 .. 6,552 .. 10,284
Ontario .. 3,228 .. 1,146 .. 2,037
Manitoba .. 21 .. 9 .. 12
Alberta4 .. 3,450 .. 1,653 .. 1,794
British Columbia 10,875 10,185 4,089 3,747 6,774 6,441
British Columbia 138 219 54 123 84 93
Part-time students
Total part-time enrolment, all program levels2
Canada 105,228 151,911 40,632 56,376 63,261 84,645
Newfoundland and Labrador 570 3,576 261 2,091 306 1,470
Prince Edward Island 6 264 3 123 6 132
Nova Scotia 195 1,470 75 648 123 774
New Brunswick 174 2,445 93 1,077 78 1,326
Quebec3 29,658 17,688 11,136 7,365 18,522 10,320
Ontario 11,187 58,461 5,445 20,280 5,742 27,693
Manitoba 2,307 3,693 924 1,266 1,383 2,430
Saskatchewan 285 2,370 132 618 150 1,731
Alberta4 12,393 18,684 4,803 7,008 7,590 11,649
British Columbia 47,535 42,684 17,475 15,750 28,728 26,700
Yukon 351 351 135 111 213 240
Northwest Territories 513 168 126 27 390 141
Nunavut 54 57 21 12 33 42
College certificate or diploma and other college level5
Canada 79,518 81,042 31,536 31,809 47,727 49,011
Newfoundland and Labrador 468 459 231 225 237 231
Prince Edward Island 6 39 3 12 3 27
Nova Scotia 195 750 75 369 123 366
New Brunswick 174 738 93 291 78 441
Quebec 20,823 14,295 7,485 5,850 13,338 8,445
Ontario 11,178 12,336 5,442 5,979 5,736 6,252
Manitoba 2,307 2,811 924 966 1,383 1,845
Saskatchewan 285 1,587 132 420 150 1,161
Alberta4 12,393 17,118 4,803 6,354 7,590 10,740
British Columbia 30,765 30,333 12,063 11,190 18,453 19,080
Yukon 351 351 135 111 213 240
Northwest Territories 513 168 126 27 390 141
Nunavut 54 57 21 12 33 42
Canada .. 4,506 .. 1,830 .. 2,604
Ontario .. 450 .. 102 .. 279
Manitoba .. 63 .. 21 .. 39
Alberta .. 1,569 .. 654 .. 912
British Columbia 2,994 2,427 1,152 1,053 1,827 1,374
British Columbia 3 78 0 33 3 45
1. Includes enrolments for which sex was not reported.
2. Total includes the category "Other program levels" not listed in this table. "Other program levels" include program levels not applicable or non-programs (taking non-credit courses or taking courses without seeking a credential). The totals exclude students enrolled in programs related to pre-employment, apprenticeship, basic training or skills upgrading, second language training, job readiness or orientation programs.
3 Data for Quebec colleges for years 2000/2001 to 2004/2005 are provisory.
4. Data for five to seven Alberta colleges are preliminary estimates for years 1999/2000 to 2003/2004.
5. College certificate or diploma and other college level includes: college postsecondary programs, college post-diploma programs; collaborative degree programs; university transfer programs from a college or CEGEP (includes Associate degree); and college preliminary year courses.
6. Undergraduate includes programs leading to a Bachelor degree, an applied degree, a university preliminary year or pre-bachelor or to an undergraduate level certificate or diploma.
7. Graduate includes programs leading to a Master's degree or other university-graduate level certificates or diplomas.
Notes: The count represents the number of students who were enrolled in courses on October 31st, and thus presents a snapshot of enrolments on that day. All counts are randomly rounded to a multiple of 3. Since the total and subtotals are independently rounded, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values.
College: refers to community colleges, CEGEPs (collège d'enseignement général et professionnel or college of general and vocational education in Quebec), technical institutes, hospital and regional schools of nursing, and establishments providing technological training in specialized fields. In counting the number of institutions, hospital schools of radiography, medical technology, and health records are included. Starting with year 2000/2001, enrolments from private non-subsidized institutions are no longer included.
This data should not be directly compared with the data for colleges before 2000.
In 2000, the Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS) began to replace the University Student Information System (USIS), the Community College Student Information System (CCSIS), and the Trade/Vocational Enrolment Survey (TVOC) with a single survey offering common variables for all levels of postsecondary education. Historical enrolment and graduate data from the previous surveys have been converted using PSIS variable definitions and codesets to maintain the historical continuity of the statistical series. Although most institutions are already reporting under PSIS, some are still in the process of implementing this new system. During this transition period, these institutions are reporting their data via the surveys that PSIS is replacing.
Compared with data reported in the Community College Student Information System (CCSIS), the institutions who reported data in a Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS) format are asked to include students enrolled in non-programs, as well as undergraduate and graduate enrolments. The result is that any true year to year growth since 2000/2001 would be confounded with any increase due to changes in reporting and types of programs reported. Particular attention should be made for the move from CCSIS to PSIS reporting for all Quebec and British Columbia from 2000/2001and for Alberta from 2004/2005.
From 2000/2001 to 2005/2006, a small number of institutions from Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia do not have their data included in the released data.
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM Table 477-0015, Postsecondary Student Information System. Last updated May 5, 2009.