Statistics Canada
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Table D.1.2
Number of registered apprentices, by sex and major trade group, Canada, 1995, 2000, and 2003 to 2007

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  Building construction Electrical, electronics and related Food and service Industrial and related mechanical Metal fabricating Motor vehicle and heavy equipment Other1 Total, major trade groups
Both sexes 34,785 29,215r 15,100r 13,550r 33,465r 34,390r 2,860 163,370
Male 33,910 28,685 6,875r 13,340 33,070r 33,775 2,290 151,945
Female 875 525 8,225 215 400r 620 570 11,425
Percent female 3 2 54 2 1 2 20 7
Both sexes 39,090r 32,555r 19,935r 16,555r 44,290r 41,975r 4,675r 199,075r
Male 38,120r 31,820r 7,745r 16,300r 43,580r 41,150r 2,895r 181,610r
Female 970r 735r 12,190 255r 705r 825r 1,780 17,465r
Percent female 2 2 61 2 2 2 38 9
Both sexes 53,835r 42,415r 25,040r 19,690r 52,935r 49,885r 6,995r 250,795r
Male 52,355r 41,360r 9,225r 19,340r 51,905r 48,805r 3,520r 226,515r
Female 1,480r 1,055r 15,815r 350r 1,030r 1,085r 3,475r 24,280r
Percent female 3 2r 63 2 2 2 50r 10
Both sexes 60,610 45,430r 25,995r 19,890 54,895r 52,835 8,120 267,775r
Male 58,965 44,315 9,700r 19,535 53,795r 51,680 4,005 241,995
Female 1,645 1,110 16,295r 355 1,100r 1,155 4,115 25,775
Percent female 3 2 63r 2 2 2 51 10r
Both sexes 68,740r 49,435 27,220r 21,020r 60,620r 57,755r 9,045 293,835
Male 66,705r 48,230 9,695r 20,640r 59,290r 56,390 4,125r 265,080
Female 2,035 1,205 17,525r 385 1,330r 1,360 4,915 28,755
Percent female 3 2 64 2 2 2 54 10
Both sexes 75,575r 54,395 29,615 23,170 68,770r 64,930 11,715 328,165
Male 73,045r 52,970 10,435 22,725 67,010r 63,285 5,735 295,205
Female 2,530 1,425 19,180 445 1,760 1,645 5,980 32,960
Percent female 3 3 65 2 3 3 51 10
Both sexes 80,205 59,945 32,100 24,125 76,685 69,875 15,615 358,555
Male 77,260 58,175 11,365 23,655 74,575 67,960 7,495 320,485
Female 2,950 1,770 20,735 470 2,110 1,915 8,115 38,070
Percent female 4 3 65 2 3 3 52 11
1. Consists of miscellaneous trades and occupations not classified elsewhere. Many of the new apprenticeship trades and occupations that have been introduced since the 1990s have been added to this group.
Notes: The number of registered apprentices includes those still registered from the previous year (apprentices who have not yet completed and have not withdrawn from training) plus apprentices newly registered during the current year. To ensure the confidentiality of responses, a random rounding process is applied to the data. Since the total and subtotals are independently rounded, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values. Similarly, percentage distributions, which are calculated on rounded data, may not necessarily add up to 100%.
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM Table 477-0051, Registered Apprenticeship Information System. Last updated June 25, 2009.