
    Education Indicators in Canada: Handbook for the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program
    May 2012

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    Handbook for the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program
    May 2012


    This handbook, based on the first edition, entitled Education Indicators in Canada: Handbook for the Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program 2007, was developed to update the general descriptions for the indicators of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program (PCEIP) as new sets of tables are released. It complements the tables, and both share a common objective: to provide consistent and high-quality information on education in Canada. The up-to-date array of indicators helps support informed decision-making, policy formulation and program development throughout the country.

    This companion Handbook is a reference document that gives readers a broad understanding of each indicator, rather than the very specific methodological descriptions that would be necessary to reproduce the indicator using the raw data.

    The PCEIP tables highlight the most recent available data in a series of detailed data tables and include five broad indicator sets:

    A. A portrait of the school-age population
    B. Financing education systems
    C. Elementary and secondary education
    D. Postsecondary education
    E. Transitions and outcomes.

    The following information forms the main body of the Handbook, and is presented for each of the PCEIP indicators:

    • A brief, general description.
    • The major concepts and definitions used.
    • An overview of the methodology.
    • A short review of any major data limitations, including interjurisdictional comparability as needed.
    • The data source(s) used to produce the indicator.

    The relevant data tables are cited for the reader's information.

    Two appendices conclude the Handbook. The first presents the structure of education and training in Canada. The second offers a glossary of terms used in the PCEIP tables.

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