Education Matters: Insights on Education, Learning and Training in Canada

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May 2011

Competing Priorities – Education and Retirement Saving Behaviours of Canadian Families

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Most Canadian families are confronted with a number of competing savings priorities. Despite these challenges, it is clear that parents place a high value on savings for postsecondary education. Even among the lowest household income group, the percentage saving for their children's postsecondary education only was greater than the share preparing financially for retirement only ...

Public School Indicators for Canada, the Provinces and Territories, 2000/2001 to 2008/2009

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Despite an overall decrease in enrolment numbers in Canadian publicly–funded elementary and secondary schools since 2000/2001, enrolments in second-language immersion programs have increased. British Columbia and Alberta have seen the largest gains in this respect, whereas enrolments in these programs have decreased in New Brunswick. Overall, Ontario accounted for the largest number of second-language immersion students in 2008/2009 ...