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Labour market activity

  • major activity during year
  • employment/unemployment spells (start and end dates, durations)
  • weekly labour force status
  • total weeks of employment, unemployment and inactivity by year
  • multiple job-holding spells
  • work absence spells

Work experience

  • years of full-time and part-time employment
  • years of experience in full-time, full-year equivalents

Jobless periods

  • job search during spell
  • dates of search spells
  • desire for employment
  • reason for not looking

Job characteristics*

  • start and end dates, first date ever worked for this employer
  • wages
  • work schedule (hours and type)
  • benefits
  • union membership
  • occupation
  • supervisory and managerial responsibilities
  • class of worker
  • tenure
  • how job was obtained
  • reason for job separation

*Job characteristics are updated annually for up to six jobs per year with dates of change recorded.

Absences from work*

  • absence dates
  • reason
  • paid or unpaid

*Absences lasting one or more weeks are collected on the first and last absence each year, for each employer.

Employer attributes

  • industry
  • firm size
  • public or private sector