Income Research Paper Series
Experimental estimates of family weekly income, January 2020 to March 2021

Release date: July 28, 2021

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This note describes updates to the experimental estimates of family weekly income previously described in March 2021. Readers are advised to refer to the previous releases for additional context, analysis and caveats.

What’s new in this version?

The scope of the estimate is expanded in terms of population and time frame.

  • the period covered is extended to March 2021
  • results are presented which break down results by province, family type, gender, visible minority, Indigenous status and landed immigrant status

The results continue to exclude families with members aged 65 and over.

Definitions of family weekly income

For the purposes of the July 2021 update of these experimental estimates, family weekly income is comprised of

  • Estimated weekly wages and salaries
  • Estimated self-employment income
  • GST/HST credits
  • Canada and provincial child benefits
  • Employment insurance benefits
  • Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB), Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB), Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB) and Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB)Note

Family weekly earnings is comprised of

  • Estimated weekly wages and salaries
  • Estimated self-employment incomeNote

All income sources are expressed as weekly amounts.

Concepts used to define weekly low income status

For the July 2021 update of these experimental family weekly income estimates, two concepts are used to describe weekly low-income status. The share of the population with weekly family earnings below the provincial threshold appropriate to their family size is referred to as having “low weekly earnings” and the share of the population with weekly family income below the threshold appropriate to their family size is referred to as having “low weekly income”.Note National figures are the total percentage of individuals below their respective provincial thresholds.

Values of median adjusted family weekly earnings and adjusted family weekly income of persons are also provided. Adjusted values are determined by dividing family earnings (or income) by the square root of family size, and assigning this value to all members of the family. The result is a single-person equivalent earnings or income measure that takes into account economies of scale associated with larger family sizes.

Data is disaggregated according to province, gender, family type and for population groups designated as visible minorities, by Indigenous identity and landed immigrant status.


The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the labor market with a degree of intensity and speed that was never seen before, resulting in the loss of over 3 million jobs in Canada in the month that followedNote. Rapidly, extensive pandemic assistance benefits were put in place by the federal government to soften the economic burden of the crisis that confronted Canadian families.

Evidence suggests that COVID-19 benefits limited the impact of job and income losses for many Canadian families, particularly those in the middle to lower end of the income scale. The data also suggest that the overall rate of low-income, which rose sharply at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, stabilized and returned to pre-pandemic levels by August.

The rate of low-income stabilized below pre-pandemic levels

On an earnings basis a rapid increase in low-income rates took place beginning in March and peaked in April 2020. In the months that followed, the number of families in low-income stabilized and returned to levels comparable to the two months prior to the COVID-19 pandemic levelsNote.

On a family income basis, the share of Canadian families in low-income declined as early as March which demonstrated the rapid rollout of emergency benefits. By June, 14.8% of persons in families were below the low income threshold, down from 23.3% in February. Despite a slight upward trend through the second half of 2020, the share of persons in low-income families stabilized below pre-pandemic levels where it has remained through to March 2021.

Chart 1 Share of persons in families with income below provincial low-income threshold by selected income definitions, January 2020 to March 2021

Data table for Chart 1 
Data table for Chart 1
Share of persons in families with income below provincial low-income threshold by selected income definitions, January 2020 to March 2021Data table for Chart 1 Note 1 Data table for Chart 1 Note 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Share of persons in families with income below provincial low-income threshold by selected income definitions Population 0 to 64 years old, Using weekly earnings and Using weekly income, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Population 0 to 64 years old
Using weekly earnings Using weekly incomeData table for Chart 1 Note 3
Jan 28.7 23.4
Feb 28.4 23.3
Mar 33.1 19.5
Apr 39.3 19.8
May 33.4 15.2
Jun 29.2 14.8
Jul 28.6 16.8
Aug 28.0 16.3
Sep 26.8 16.4
Oct 27.7 18.3
Nov 27.4 18.7
Dec 26.9 17.7
Jan 28.3 18.3
Feb 27.7 17.6
Mar 26.3 17.2

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economic situation of immigrants

For this report, we use the Labour Force Survey definitions for immigrant status, grouping individuals into one of four groups: those born in Canada, very recent immigrants (those who obtained landed immigrant status 5 or less years ago), recent immigrants (those who obtained landed immigrant status between 5 and 10 years ago), and established immigrants (those who obtained landed immigrant status more than 10 years ago).

During the initial months of the pandemic, recent immigrants had the largest change in the share of persons with low weekly earnings, increasing from 30.9% in February 2020 to 50.6% in April 2020. The low-income rate for this group remained elevated for two months before decreasing to near pre-pandemic levels by July. By comparison, very recent immigrants, which originally had the largest share of persons below the low-income threshold, had its share increase to 46.5% in April and returned to pre-pandemic levels the following month. 

Expanding the low-income concept to adjusted family income, the introduction of the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) and other emergency programs minimized the differences between landed immigrants and persons born in Canada. In January 2020, low weekly income rate ranged between 21.2% and 33.8%. By May 2020, this range was reduced to between 15.6% and 17.3%. Following, the end of the CERB, a modest increase in low-income rate was seen among very recent immigrants while rates remained relatively stable among other groups.

Chart 2 Share of persons in families with earnings below provincial low-income threshold by immigration status, January 2020 to March 2021

Data table for Chart 2 
Data table for Chart 2
Share of persons in families with earnings below provincial low-income threshold by immigration status, January 2020 to March 2021Data table for Chart 2 Note 1 Data table for Chart 2 Note 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Share of persons in families with earnings below provincial low-income threshold by immigration status Born in Canada, Immigrants, landed 5 or less years earlier, Immigrants, landed more than 10 years earlier and Immigrants, landed more than 5 to 10 years earlier, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Born in Canada Immigrants, landed 5 or less years earlier Immigrants, landed more than 10 years earlier Immigrants, landed more than 5 to 10 years earlier
Jan 26.0 40.6 25.2 31.2
Feb 25.1 39.4 26.3 30.9
Mar 29.8 40.1 33.3 40.1
Apr 35.6 46.5 41.1 50.6
May 29.5 39.0 36.8 48.4
Jun 25.7 33.4 32.2 37.1
Jul 25.3 33.8 30.4 33.1
Aug 24.7 37.0 29.2 33.7
Sep 23.4 35.2 28.3 33.1
Oct 24.2 40.7 29.1 32.0
Nov 24.5 34.6 28.8 26.9
Dec 23.6 35.7 28.1 31.7
Jan 25.3 37.2 29.7 33.4
Feb 25.1 38.8 28.6 33.3
Mar 23.5 32.2 27.5 30.9

Chart 3 Share of persons in families with income below provincial low-income threshold by immigration status, January 2020 to March 2021

Data table for Chart 3 
Chart 3
Share of persons in families with income below provincial low-income threshold by immigration status, January 2020 to March 2021Chart 3 Note 1 Chart 3 Note 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Share of persons in families with income below provincial low-income threshold by immigration status Born in Canada, Immigrants, landed 5 or less years earlier, Immigrants, landed more than 10 years earlier and Immigrants, landed more than 5 to 10 years earlier, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Born in Canada Immigrants, landed 5 or less years earlier Immigrants, landed more than 10 years earlier Immigrants, landed more than 5 to 10 years earlier
Jan 22.0 33.8 21.2 24.8
Feb 21.4 33.0 22.2 24.7
Mar 18.9 23.3 17.9 18.4
Apr 19.0 24.7 17.6 21.1
May 15.6 17.3 15.8 16.0
Jun 14.8 15.5 13.9 11.0
Jul 16.2 18.9 15.4 15.2
Aug 15.4 18.9 15.3 16.7
Sep 15.8 17.8 15.3 17.1
Oct 17.3 24.1 18.1 17.9
Nov 17.6 23.8 19.5 16.8
Dec 16.5 23.3 17.3 17.8
Jan 17.5 24.2 18.1 18.9
Feb 17.0 25.9 16.7 20.7
Mar 16.5 20.5 16.5 18.4

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on low-income rates of persons in visible minority groups

For people who identify as a member of a visible minority group, the economic situation based on family earnings has improved in the second half of 2020, a trend that continues into 2021. In May 2020, 41.1% of persons in a visible minority group lived in a family with low weekly earnings. By the end of the year, this share of persons had fallen to 32.1%. For the first three months of 2021, this rate decreased from 33.6% in January 2021 to 29.3% in March 2021. Meanwhile, persons not belonging to a visible minority group have also seen their economic situation improve during this same period, with their rate based on family earnings declining from 29.3% in May 2020 to 23.7% in March 2021. The rate differential between the two groups has also narrowed from a gap of 11.8 percentage points in May 2020 to a gap of 5.6 percentage points in March 2021.

Chart 4 Share of persons in families with income below provincial low-income threshold by visible minority status and selected income definitions, January 2020 to March 2021

Data table for Chart 4 
Chart 4
Share of persons in families with income below provincial low-income threshold by visible minority status and selected income definitions, January 2020 to March 2021Chart 4 Note 1 Chart 4 Note 2 Chart 4 Note 3 Chart 4 Note 4
Table summary
This table displays the results of Share of persons in families with income below provincial low-income threshold by visible minority status and selected income definitions Not a visible minority - using family earnings, Visible minority - using family earnings, Not a visible minority - using family income and Visible minority - using family income, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Not a visible minority - using family earnings Visible minority - using family earnings Not a visible minority - using family income Visible minority - using family income
Jan Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Feb Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Mar Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
Apr Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period
May 29.3 41.1 15.8 16.2
Jun 25.5 35.5 15.1 14.1
Jul 25.2 33.7 16.5 16.7
Aug 24.1 34.8 15.4 18.0
Sep 23.1 33.3 15.9 17.8
Oct 23.8 34.1 17.4 20.1
Nov 24.5 31.2 17.8 21.0
Dec 23.6 32.1 16.5 20.5
Jan 25.1 33.6 17.5 20.6
Feb 25.2 31.8 16.9 20.2
Mar 23.7 29.3 16.7 18.3


The estimates presented in this note make use of the data available at this time. The addition of families with self-employed members that was achieved in the previous release significantly improved population coverage, and this coverage was maintained in the current release. However, families with aged 65 or older are still excluded from this estimate.

While the CERB and EI benefits amounts are now derived entirely from administrative data, the other benefits listed in this note are still based on the responses provided by respondents. Furthermore, other sources of revenue, such as investment or interest income, and provincial social assistance, remain unaccounted for. As such, it is important to point out that the results here are preliminary and users are advised to use caution when interpreting the results.

Description of tables

Tables 1 to 4 provide a further breakdown of the situation by: province, gender, family type, visible minority and indigenous status.
For all tables, there are two populations targeted:

  1. Persons aged 0 to 64 are available for province, gender and family type
  2. Persons aged 15 to 64 are available for visible minority status, Indigenous identity and immigration status

From July 2020, a section was added to the LFS asking respondents which population groups they belonged to. Some respondent information was able to be carried back in time so that results for those groups could be presented here beginning in May. This proved to be the case for visible minorities as a whole, but less so for the more detailed groups of South Asian, Chinese and Black which were included for this study.

Table 1 and 2 can be used to compare the share of persons below the provincial low income threshold based on the income concept of family earnings (Table 1) and family income (Table 2).

Similarly, Tables 3 and 4 can be used to compare the adjusted median weekly family earnings (Table 3) and family income (Table 4).

Table 1
Share of persons in families with family earnings below provincial low-income thresholds by selected characteristics, January 2020 to March 2021 Table 1 Note 1 Table 1 Note 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Share of persons in families with family earnings below provincial low-income thresholds by selected characteristics. The information is grouped by Family earnings alone (appearing as row headers), Share of persons in families below provincial low-income thresholds, family earnings, 2020, 2021, , February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, Nov and December, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Family earnings alone Share of persons in families below provincial low-income thresholds, family earnings
2020 2021
January February March April May June July August September October November December January February March
Population 0 to 64 years old 28.7 28.4 33.1 39.3 33.4 29.2 28.6 28.0 26.8 27.7 27.4 26.9 28.3 27.7 26.3
Newfoundland and Labrador 38.7 35.4 39.3 45.5 39.9 33.2 33.7 31.1 29.9 30.4 31.7 32.4 33.1 38.3 35.2
Prince Edward Island 32.2 32.6 38.1 41.9 31.6 28.3 28.7 26.0 27.3 24.4 29.6 27.9 28.5 34.3 32.8
Nova Scotia 32.8 33.4 34.6 38.3 35.7 31.5 30.2 29.2 30.1 27.9 29.2 27.9 28.0 31.2 28.2
New Brunswick 31.0 29.1 33.8 36.9 31.9 27.3 27.2 25.3 24.0 25.5 26.6 25.8 30.1 29.5 28.1
Quebec 26.0 26.1 31.7 42.0 31.5 23.9 25.1 25.0 24.3 24.8 25.1 25.0 26.2 26.3 24.4
Ontario 27.9 28.3 33.7 39.1 34.9 31.8 29.0 29.0 27.8 28.3 27.2 27.2 29.5 27.5 26.5
Manitoba 28.4 27.3 29.4 34.2 33.5 27.8 28.6 28.8 26.0 29.2 29.7 28.4 27.5 28.3 24.4
Saskatchewan 31.5 31.7 32.7 36.6 34.2 27.9 27.5 28.5 25.8 27.1 29.4 30.1 26.6 28.7 28.6
Alberta 30.0 28.2 32.7 37.5 32.5 30.3 31.5 29.2 28.8 30.8 29.0 28.7 28.5 27.2 26.1
British Columbia 31.4 30.1 34.3 38.7 32.1 29.7 30.7 29.0 26.2 27.3 28.4 26.1 27.9 28.3 27.4
Men 28.2 27.7 32.3 38.8 33.3 28.4 27.7 27.0 26.1 26.6 26.5 26.0 28.1 27.3 25.9
Women 29.2 29.0 34.0 39.8 33.6 29.9 29.6 29.1 27.5 28.7 28.3 27.8 28.4 28.0 26.6
In couple families with kids 22.6 22.4 27.0 33.2 28.6 23.9 23.0 22.5 21.4 22.1 21.4 20.4 21.4 21.4 20.6
In couple families without kids 22.7 22.0 26.5 32.7 28.6 25.5 24.1 23.8 21.4 22.0 22.9 22.3 23.2 23.5 21.3
In single parent families 49.5 48.7 54.9 60.9 53.7 49.5 51.2 49.3 46.0 49.4 48.2 50.7 52.1 49.4 47.1
In other family types 29.8 31.1 36.5 41.7 38.6 35.4 31.9 31.1 36.0 34.5 31.7 33.6 38.7 35.4 30.6
UnattachedTable 1 Note 3 43.9 43.7 49.0 55.4 48.1 42.1 43.5 42.8 41.4 42.1 42.6 41.9 43.2 42.3 41.4
Population 15 to 64 years oldTable 1 Note 4 Table 1 Note 5 27.5 27.1 32.0 38.3 32.3 28.1 27.4 26.9 25.8 26.5 26.2 25.8 27.4 27.0 25.2
IndigenousTable 1 Note 6 41.0 39.3 39.9 47.0 39.9 34.2 36.1 35.6 34.9 37.9 42.9 41.4 38.2 36.3 33.3
First Nations 45.8 44.2 44.0 50.6 42.1 41.2 46.4 44.4 41.5 45.6 47.3 43.8 43.7 43.1 39.0
Métis 36.1 34.5 35.0 42.9 36.8 27.7 27.2 27.8 27.7 30.5 38.8 38.6 32.5 28.9 27.1
Inuit Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published
Non-Indigenous 27.1 26.7 31.8 38.0 32.1 27.9 27.1 26.6 25.5 26.1 25.6 25.3 27.0 26.6 24.9
Visible minorityTable 1 Note 7 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 41.1 35.5 33.7 34.8 33.3 34.1 31.2 32.1 33.6 31.8 29.3
South Asian Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 39.9 32.0 30.7 30.7 31.5 34.3 28.5 28.4 30.9 28.1 28.9
Chinese Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 39.3 39.9 38.4 37.9 37.8 37.6 37.2 33.0 33.4 36.7 35.5
Black Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 50.9 41.6 35.5 37.7 33.1 38.5 31.8 36.6 38.5 37.0 32.8
Not a visible minority Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 29.3 25.5 25.2 24.1 23.1 23.8 24.5 23.6 25.1 25.2 23.7
Landed immigrantsTable 1 Note 8 29.1 29.7 35.8 43.8 39.3 33.2 31.5 31.3 30.3 31.4 29.4 30.3 31.7 31.0 28.9
Immigrant, landed more than 10 years ago 25.2 26.3 33.3 41.1 36.8 32.2 30.4 29.2 28.3 29.1 28.8 28.1 29.7 28.6 27.5
Immigrant, landed 6 to 10 years ago 31.2 30.9 40.1 50.6 48.4 37.1 33.1 33.7 33.1 32.0 26.9 31.7 33.4 33.3 30.9
Immigrant, landed 5 or less years ago 40.6 39.4 40.1 46.5 39.0 33.4 33.8 37.0 35.2 40.7 34.6 35.7 37.2 38.8 32.2
Born in Canada 26.0 25.1 29.8 35.6 29.5 25.7 25.3 24.7 23.4 24.2 24.5 23.6 25.3 25.1 23.5

Table 2
Share of persons in families with family income below provincial low-income thresholds by selected characteristics, January 2020 to March 2021 Table 2 Note 1 Table 2 Note 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Share of persons in families with family income below provincial low-income thresholds by selected characteristics. The information is grouped by Family earnings plus GST/HST credit, child benefits, EI, emergency and recovery benefits (appearing as row headers), Share of persons in families below provincial low-income thresholds, family income, 2020, 2021, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, Nov and December, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Family earnings plus GST/HST credit, child benefits, EI, emergency and recovery benefits Share of persons in families below provincial low-income thresholds, family income
2020 2021
January February March April May June July August September October November December January February March
Population 0 to 64 years old 23.4 23.3 19.5 19.8 15.2 14.8 16.8 16.3 16.4 18.3 18.7 17.7 18.3 17.6 17.2
Newfoundland and Labrador 26.7 25.1 20.6 23.0 20.0 16.7 18.8 18.9 15.8 16.9 18.2 17.2 16.7 20.7 18.9
Prince Edward Island 22.1 21.5 18.7 17.8 13.3 13.6 15.2 15.6 14.1 13.6 16.0 15.0 13.5 13.5 15.5
Nova Scotia 25.5 25.4 21.3 18.4 16.7 14.7 17.1 14.7 17.7 19.7 19.3 17.1 17.9 17.9 16.8
New Brunswick 21.9 20.1 18.0 16.7 14.3 13.3 15.5 14.0 15.6 17.2 16.5 14.4 14.7 15.1 14.6
Quebec 20.3 20.6 17.5 19.0 13.8 11.6 13.6 13.6 13.7 15.0 16.0 15.0 16.3 15.1 14.3
Ontario 22.7 23.5 19.6 19.8 15.6 15.3 16.7 16.7 16.9 19.4 19.1 18.6 19.1 17.9 17.8
Manitoba 23.0 22.3 16.7 16.8 14.7 12.4 16.4 16.8 14.8 17.9 18.6 16.6 15.7 17.2 15.7
Saskatchewan 25.5 26.2 20.7 19.8 15.7 15.2 17.8 16.1 17.9 18.9 21.3 20.4 18.3 18.6 20.0
Alberta 25.9 23.1 20.2 20.4 16.6 16.4 18.8 17.9 18.5 20.0 20.1 20.3 20.8 18.6 18.1
British Columbia 27.3 27.0 22.6 21.7 14.8 17.7 20.7 18.5 17.5 19.0 20.4 17.9 18.8 20.4 19.4
Men 23.1 22.8 19.2 19.5 14.6 14.4 16.3 15.5 15.9 17.5 18.2 17.0 18.3 17.2 16.9
Women 23.7 23.8 19.9 20.0 15.9 15.2 17.4 17.1 16.9 19.1 19.2 18.4 18.4 18.0 17.4
In couple families with kids 16.0 15.8 13.0 12.9 8.4 8.7 10.6 10.2 10.2 12.0 12.2 11.0 11.6 11.6 11.1
In couple families without kids 20.5 20.0 18.3 19.1 18.9 16.6 17.6 17.4 16.8 17.3 18.8 17.6 17.1 16.9 15.9
In single parent families 39.8 39.7 34.9 35.9 26.3 28.4 33.7 29.8 28.1 35.2 33.3 35.2 36.1 31.9 31.5
In other family types 25.9 27.8 19.8 21.0 24.2 17.7 15.9 18.1 21.5 22.1 19.3 19.9 23.4 22.7 19.1
UnattachedTable 2 Note 3 41.3 41.5 34.9 34.4 29.2 28.5 31.9 31.1 32.2 33.4 35.1 32.8 33.7 32.3 33.5
Population 15 to 64 years oldTable 2 Note 4 Table 2 Note 5 23.3 23.1 19.5 19.7 15.9 14.8 16.5 16.1 16.4 18.1 18.6 17.6 18.3 17.8 17.1
IndigenousTable 2 Note 6 34.2 33.0 24.7 26.3 24.5 21.0 26.0 24.7 22.2 29.5 31.6 28.2 26.1 26.1 23.2
First Nations 38.9 37.2 27.2 30.3 25.2 26.5 33.3 31.1 24.8 36.7 38.2 30.4 28.1 31.5 29.4
Métis 29.4 28.7 21.8 21.6 Note F: too unreliable to be published 15.5 19.7 18.9 19.9 22.5 25.2 25.5 24.0 20.2 16.4
Inuit Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published
Non-Indigenous 23.0 22.8 19.3 19.5 15.6 14.6 16.2 15.8 16.2 17.7 18.2 17.2 18.1 17.5 16.9
Visible minorityTable 2 Note 7 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 16.2 14.1 16.7 18.0 17.8 20.1 21.0 20.5 20.6 20.2 18.3
South Asian Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published 15.2 16.3 13.9 19.5 18.9 19.1 18.8 19.2 17.3
Chinese Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note F: too unreliable to be published 22.4 23.3 21.7 24.4 23.3 26.0 20.1 19.7 26.0 23.7
Black Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published 16.1 15.1 17.5 23.0 22.6 23.5 22.3 22.2 19.5
Not a visible minority Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 15.8 15.1 16.5 15.4 15.9 17.4 17.8 16.5 17.5 16.9 16.7
Landed immigrantsTable 2 Note 8 24.2 24.7 19.0 19.5 16.0 13.6 15.9 16.1 16.1 18.9 19.7 18.6 19.4 18.9 17.6
Immigrant, landed more than 10 years ago 21.2 22.2 17.9 17.6 15.8 13.9 15.4 15.3 15.3 18.1 19.5 17.3 18.1 16.7 16.5
Immigrant, landed 6 to 10 years ago 24.8 24.7 18.4 21.1 Note F: too unreliable to be published 11.0 15.2 16.7 17.1 17.9 16.8 17.8 18.9 20.7 18.4
Immigrant, landed 5 or less years ago 33.8 33.0 23.3 24.7 Note F: too unreliable to be published 15.5 18.9 18.9 17.8 24.1 23.8 23.3 24.2 25.9 20.5
Born in Canada 22.0 21.4 18.9 19.0 15.6 14.8 16.2 15.4 15.8 17.3 17.6 16.5 17.5 17.0 16.5

Table 3
Population median of adjusted weekly family earnings by selected characteristics, January 2020 to March 2021 Table 3 Note 1 Table 3 Note 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Population median of adjusted weekly family earnings by selected characteristics. The information is grouped by Family earnings alone (appearing as row headers), Median adjusted weekly family earnings, 2020, 2021, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, Nov and December, calculated using current dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Family earnings alone Median adjusted weekly family earnings
2020 2021
January February March April May June July August September October November December January February March
current dollars
Population 0 to 64 years old 860 875 793 684 811 867 866 880 919 879 881 918 888 886 933
Newfoundland and Labrador 703 743 665 525 Note F: too unreliable to be published 776 742 757 817 767 750 804 748 688 727
Prince Edward Island 712 739 600 577 655 777 731 739 798 713 699 769 716 658 700
Nova Scotia 714 712 665 612 644 731 720 755 749 748 730 769 768 744 799
New Brunswick 718 722 658 593 705 830 790 823 842 842 731 828 734 723 800
Quebec 815 843 744 585 771 891 877 874 888 833 861 868 857 840 867
Ontario 916 911 825 734 824 884 889 905 952 930 943 969 926 946 978
Manitoba 777 782 733 664 669 730 754 772 842 771 735 780 823 800 845
Saskatchewan 780 801 771 700 759 825 860 802 892 840 817 835 860 794 826
Alberta 929 969 911 808 939 972 945 960 962 923 893 965 961 960 985
British Columbia 840 864 780 722 835 821 801 866 924 900 873 919 903 887 952
Men 878 894 813 699 818 884 887 903 937 903 906 939 895 896 947
Women 841 850 777 670 794 859 846 865 900 858 860 896 880 877 916
In couple families with kids 945 954 868 774 865 939 928 962 970 948 946 995 967 966 999
In couple families without kids 1056 1089 966 833 979 1056 1047 1061 1123 1051 1087 1102 1064 1057 1085
In single parent families 485 496 409 293 404 481 448 486 549 499 506 477 462 498 530
In other family types 806 794 716 600 656 707 759 748 757 723 785 765 689 701 796
UnattachedTable 3 Note 3 601 616 503 Note F: too unreliable to be published 559 647 628 640 680 644 640 660 670 660 701
Population 15 to 64 years oldTable 3 Note 4 Table 3 Note 5 892 908 823 713 834 908 905 922 954 913 919 949 925 921 962
IndigenousTable 3 Note 6 660 697 679 548 650 788 750 749 832 741 657 686 751 788 877
First Nations 555 615 614 485 554 656 583 595 662 535 528 632 643 673 754
Métis 783 808 729 600 Note F: too unreliable to be published 903 923 930 979 1007 770 775 880 952 996
Inuit Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published
Non-Indigenous 900 917 828 720 842 913 911 928 956 916 926 958 930 924 966
Visible minorityTable 3 Note 7 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 656 722 736 722 760 748 788 785 778 770 828
South Asian Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 762 761 755 772 733 712 762 793 792 799 864
Chinese Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 699 654 675 737 780 764 769 818 923 772 796
Black Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note F: too unreliable to be published 603 714 655 769 666 762 753 710 661 693
Not a visible minority Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 899 991 975 1010 1017 979 973 1009 984 981 1021
Landed immigrantsTable 3 Note 8 818 811 734 600 716 788 783 788 820 808 810 804 798 805 855
Immigrant, landed more than 10 years ago 885 884 795 653 758 788 816 826 888 849 864 883 865 876 913
Immigrant, landed 6 to 10 years ago 735 718 630 478 Note F: too unreliable to be published 770 695 774 750 785 766 741 778 742 799
Immigrant, landed 5 or less years ago 630 654 644 520 665 786 711 705 712 655 715 715 672 640 755
Born in Canada 944 961 874 766 888 981 972 997 1008 972 975 1009 984 977 1018

Table 4
Population median of adjusted weekly family income by selected characteristics, January 2020 to March 2021 Table 4 Note 1 Table 4 Note 2
Table summary
This table displays the results of Population median of adjusted weekly family income by selected characteristics. The information is grouped by Family earnings plus GST/HST credit, child benefits, EI, emergency and recovery benefits (appearing as row headers), Median adjusted weekly family income, 2020, 2021, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, Nov and December, calculated using current dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Family earnings plus GST/HST credit, child benefits, EI, emergency and recovery benefits Median adjusted weekly family income
2020 2021
January February March April May June July August September October November December January February March
current dollars
Population 0 to 64 years old 921 935 984 928 1047 1061 1030 1037 1045 992 986 1022 1016 1012 1039
Newfoundland and Labrador 792 840 846 828 901 998 968 935 935 937 911 952 915 870 942
Prince Edward Island 823 838 833 837 862 964 874 881 911 914 883 909 901 860 886
Nova Scotia 781 774 848 852 939 919 881 909 901 849 863 901 879 873 900
New Brunswick 822 819 857 842 921 958 937 945 963 950 873 932 877 891 945
Quebec 887 910 950 846 1022 1071 1033 1016 1006 948 959 980 978 973 992
Ontario 967 969 1021 979 1083 1085 1059 1081 1088 1044 1048 1060 1061 1067 1090
Manitoba 838 846 903 905 932 946 933 934 953 875 850 905 928 907 964
Saskatchewan 874 873 936 897 974 972 984 950 1000 936 896 949 963 909 941
Alberta 997 1027 1080 1029 1176 1138 1084 1095 1097 1026 1019 1080 1093 1053 1100
British Columbia 892 912 962 936 1003 1024 967 1030 1062 1007 976 1034 1030 1000 1067
Men 938 954 999 942 1054 1075 1048 1053 1062 1016 1004 1040 1021 1019 1054
Women 908 916 969 919 1039 1049 1015 1017 1029 972 969 1005 1009 1002 1025
In couple families with kids 1021 1026 1069 1018 1124 1133 1101 1112 1115 1070 1068 1114 1105 1100 1119
In couple families without kids 1088 1116 1135 1068 1175 1197 1167 1161 1235 1163 1157 1167 1170 1143 1191
In single parent families 589 605 644 619 756 756 691 699 768 645 653 655 622 677 697
In other family types 838 854 965 950 996 1023 1018 965 952 937 909 951 926 926 968
UnattachedTable 4 Note 3 621 636 641 543 636 748 697 709 743 695 675 708 713 721 755
Population 15 to 64 years oldTable 4 Note 4 Table 4 Note 5 949 960 1012 955 1066 1099 1065 1067 1079 1023 1015 1048 1045 1039 1069
IndigenousTable 4 Note 6 756 778 893 799 941 1004 995 908 988 924 789 816 900 907 980
First Nations 666 694 826 746 764 901 767 739 878 737 643 768 809 828 882
Métis 866 882 967 870 1040 1061 1126 1077 1100 1060 856 870 1032 1066 1110
Inuit Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published Note F: too unreliable to be published
Non-Indigenous 955 964 1016 959 1073 1105 1068 1072 1080 1026 1023 1055 1051 1044 1074
Visible minorityTable 4 Note 7 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 976 998 968 951 957 903 902 934 915 919 971
South Asian Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 988 1001 966 1006 957 888 901 915 962 930 973
Chinese Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 962 929 917 960 923 937 956 983 1067 962 902
Black Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 849 910 964 906 992 806 854 844 836 805 867
Not a visible minority Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 1114 1151 1106 1124 1122 1067 1057 1097 1096 1088 1117
Landed immigrantsTable 4 Note 8 873 869 956 901 995 1030 984 984 1006 949 918 949 952 946 982
Immigrant, landed more than 10 years ago 940 933 1020 953 1003 1057 1012 1024 1048 988 979 999 1000 1012 1025
Immigrant, landed 6 to 10 years ago 806 778 866 767 986 971 892 958 963 952 876 896 881 856 904
Immigrant, landed 5 or less years ago 695 708 831 796 947 952 918 879 864 820 838 846 800 784 872
Born in Canada 991 1006 1047 995 1117 1149 1108 1119 1121 1061 1059 1097 1105 1084 1117

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