Table 2.3 Status of longitudinal persons, reference year 2006

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Longitudinal Status Panel 4 Panel 5
In scope (respondents) 28,178 33,073
In scope (nonrespondents) 2,866 7,832
Moved to Yukon, NWT, Nunavut 8 10
Moved outside Canada 328 247
Institutionalized 560 288
Deceased 1,177 511
Removed from sample1 9,078 354
Duplicate person/error2 37 15
Total 42,232 42,330
0 true zero or a value rounded to zero
  1. Respondents are removed from the sample for one of two reasons. If entire households have refused for two consecutive cycles they are said to be hard refusals and no further attempts are made to enumerate these households. Similarly, if, after two years, we cannot successfully trace households, we no longer pursue them.
  2. Respondents who were erroneously included in the household in the beginning of the first year of a panel's existence.