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Data quality, concepts and methodology: Survey content

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SLID collects data on a wide range of topics. Some are inherently “dynamic”, involving transitions and spells, while others have important explanatory value.

The content themes are summarized in Figure 2. For a quick reference list of variables, please refer to the links below:

  1. labour
  2. income and wealth
  3. education
  4. personal characteristics
  5. sample control

For more detailed information on survey variables, refer to the SLID electronic data dictionary.

Figure 1: Organization of SLID content


Labour market activity

  1. major activity during year
  2. employment/unemployment spells (start and end dates, durations)
  3. weekly labour force status
  4. total weeks of employment, unemployment and inactivity by year
  5. multiple job-holding spells
  6. work absence spells

Work experience

  1. years of full-time and part-time employment
  2. years of experience in full-time, full-year equivalents

Jobless periods

  1. job search during spell
  2. dates of search spells
  3. desire for employment
  4. reason for not looking

Job characteristics*

  1. start and end dates, first date ever worked for this employer
  2. wages
  3. work schedule (hours and type)
  4. benefits
  5. union membership
  6. occupation
  7. supervisory and managerial responsibilities
  8. class of worker
  9. tenure
  10. how job was obtained
  11. reason for job separation

*Job characteristics are updated annually for up to six jobs per year with dates of change recorded.

Absences from work*

  1. absence dates
  2. reason
  3. paid or unpaid

*Absences lasting one or more weeks are collected on the first and last absence each year, for each employer.

Employer attributes

  1. industry
  2. firm size
  3. public or private sector

Income and Wealth

Income source

Annual information on many income sources

For example:

  1. market income
  2. government transfers
  3. taxes paid
  4. after-tax income
  5. inter-household transfers

Receipt of Employment Insurance/social assistance/workers compensation*

  1. employment Insurance
  2. social assistance
  3. workers' compensation

*Amount and timing of monthly benefits received from each source.


Educational activity

  1. enrolled in a credit program, months, weeks and hours attended
  2. type of institution
  3. full-time or part-time student
  4. certificates received (if applicable)
  5. job-related training courses, seminars, workshops and conferences

Level of schooling/educational attainment*

  1. years of schooling
  2. degrees and diplomas
  3. major field of study

Student loans

  1. received a student loan
  2. total amount borrowed
  3. amount currently owing

*Updated annually

Personal characteristics


  1. year of birth/age
  2. sex
  3. duration of current marital status
  4. year/age at first marriage


  1. ethnic background
  2. member of an employment equity designated group
  3. mother tongue
  4. date of immigration
  5. country of birth
  6. parents' schooling and place of birth

Activity limitation

  1. annual information on activity limitations and their impact on working
  2. satisfaction with work

Information on children

  1. number of children born, raised
  2. year and person's age when first child born

Geography and geographic mobility

  1. economic region or census metropolitan area of current residence
  2. size of community
  3. moved during year
  4. move dates
  5. reason for move
  6. nature of move (full household/household split)

Household and family information*

  1. key characteristics of other household/family members (e.g., age, sex, relationship, income, annual hours worked)
  2. relevant low-income cutoff
  3. family events (marriage, separation, deaths, births)
  4. Housing information:
  5. type of dwelling
  6. dwelling condition
  7. characteristics of dwelling
  8. ownership / mortgage / rent
  9. payments / costs / rent inclusions
  10. housing suitability indicator
  11. shelter costs to income ratio

*Annual summary information, e.g., size, type

Sample control


  1. person
  2. household
  3. economic family
  4. census family


  1. cross-sectional
  2. cross-sectional combined SCF-SLID sample (1993-1997 inclusive)
  3. cross-sectional adjusted for labour non-response
  4. longitudinal
  5. longitudinal combined panel
