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Table 5-7
Income tax by after-tax income quintiles — Ontario

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  Income tax
2007 2006
Median Averages Implicit transfer rates Shares Median Averages Implicit transfer rates Shares
     dollars   percent  dollars percent
Total - Economic families and unattached individuals  
Total 6,600 12,900 17.1 100.0 7,200 12,800 17.4 100.0
Lowest quintile . 1,400 E 8.6 E 2.2 E . 900 E 5.7 E 1.4 E
Second quintile . 3,200 8.6 5.0 . 3,200 9.0 5.1
Third quintile . 7,100 12.0 10.9 . 7,800 13.4 12.2
Fourth quintile . 13,800 15.6 21.4 . 14,200 16.3 22.1
Highest quintile . 39,100 22.1 60.5 . 38,000 22.2 59.3
Two persons or more  
Total 9,500 15,700 17.0 100.0 9,900 15,600 17.4 100.0
Lowest quintile . 2,400 E 8.0 E 3.0 E . 1,400 E 5.2 E 1.8 E
Second quintile . 4,700 8.9 6.0 . 5,300 10.3 6.8
Third quintile . 9,800 12.9 12.4 . 10,300 13.9 13.2
Fourth quintile . 17,400 16.4 22.1 . 17,300 16.8 22.2
Highest quintile . 44,400 22.5 56.5 . 43,700 22.8 55.9
Unattached individuals  
Total 2,500 6,800 17.4 100.0 2,600 6,600 17.5 100.0
Lowest quintile . 200 E 2.2 E 0.5 E . 200 E 2.2 E 0.5 E
Second quintile . 500 E 2.6 1.4 E . 700 E 3.8 E 2.0 E
Third quintile . 2,600 9.1 7.6 . 2,800 9.8 8.4
Fourth quintile . 7,000 15.6 20.6 . 7,100 15.9 21.3
Highest quintile . 23,700 24.6 69.9 . 22,500 24.5 67.8