Description for chart 4
Bilingualism peaks during school years among Anglophones

The title of the graph is "Chart 4 Bilingualism peaks during school years among Anglophones."
This is a line chart.
There are in total 17 categories in the horizontal axis. The vertical axis starts at 0 and ends at 100 with ticks every 10 points.
There are 4 series in this graph.
The vertical axis is "percentage."
The horizontal axis is "Age."
The title of series 1 is "Francophones (outside Quebec)."
The minimum value is 44.7 and it corresponds to "0 to 4."
The maximum value is 93.8 and it corresponds to "30 to 34."
The title of series 2 is "Francophones (Quebec)."
The minimum value is 5.1 and it corresponds to "0 to 4."
The maximum value is 57.4 and it corresponds to "25 to 29."
The title of series 3 is "Anglophones (Quebec)."
The minimum value is 28.5 and it corresponds to "0 to 4."
The maximum value is 77.2 and it corresponds to "10 to 14."
The title of series 4 is "Anglophones (outside Québec)."
The minimum value is 1.5 and it corresponds to "0 to 4."
The maximum value is 12.4 and it corresponds to "10 to 14."

Chart 4 Bilingualism peaks during school years among Anglophones, percentage
  Francophones (outside Quebec) Francophones (Quebec) Anglophones (Quebec) Anglophones (outside Québec)
0 to 4 44.7 5.1 28.5 1.5
5 to 9 67.1 8.8 63.8 7.7
10 to 14 82.9 21.6 77.2 12.4
15 to 19 90.2 45.7 76.9 11.2
20 to 24 92.2 56.9 70.7 8.7
25 to 29 93.6 57.4 67.4 8.4
30 to 34 93.8 54.4 65.0 8.3
35 to 39 93.3 51.6 63.4 7.1
40 to 44 92.3 47.8 64.7 5.8
45 to 49 91.4 43.1 65.0 4.8
50 to 54 90.8 38.9 63.1 4.4
55 to 59 90.4 37.1 60.2 4.6
60 to 64 89.7 37.0 57.6 4.7
65 to 69 88.6 34.6 52.2 4.2
70 to 74 86.8 30.8 44.4 3.3
75 to 79 84.3 27.8 39.2 2.8
80 and over 80.6 24.3 34.4 2.4
Statistics Canada, Census of Population, 2011.
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