Table 5 Reasons for full or partial retirement,1 2009

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  Partially retired Fully retired Returned to work
Financially possible 46* 34 28
Completed required years of service 41* 29 26
Wanted to stop work 31 33 20E*
Pursue other activities 23* 13 18E*
Employer incentives 19* 8 15E*
Health/disability 16* 24 14E*
Agreement with spouse/partner 14 16 8E*
Organizational restructuring 12 9 17E*
Caregiving 6E 7 4E*
Mandatory policy 4E 4 F
Other 5E 7 17E
1. For those with a single retirement experience.
* significantly different from the retired (p<0.05)
Source: Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) – Healthy Aging.