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Table 6 Odds ratios for alternative seniors' employment model1

  Men Women
Public pensions/government transfers
First quintile 1.92* 1.83*
Second quintile 1.20* 1.19*
Third quintile (ref.) 1.00 1.00
Fourth quintile 0.90* 0.93*
Fifth quintile 0.93* 0.95*
Private income
First quintile 1.30* 1.10*
Second quintile 1.34* 1.21*
Third quintile (ref.) 1.00 1.00
Fourth quintile 0.78* 0.79*
Fifth quintile 0.81* 0.69*
Other family member with positive earnings
Yes 2.16* 1.68*
No (ref.) 1.00 1.00
1. Dependent variable = 1 if employed in the reference week, 0 otherwise.
* significantly different from the reference group (ref.) at the 0.01 level
Note: Models also controlled for education, activity limitations, mortgage payment indicator, age, marital status, immigrant/Aboriginal status, official language, rural/urban, and province.
Source: Statistics Canada, Census of Population, 2006.