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Table 7
Average hourly earnings for trades employees

  1997 2007
Total 19.73*(*) 21.12
Non-trades 19.57(*) 21.02
Trades 21.60*(*) 22.36*
Plumbers 24.06* 24.10*
Carpenters 18.90*(*) 20.43*
Masons 21.14* 21.23
Other construction trades 18.56* 19.24*
Electricians 24.99* 25.26*
Machinists 21.24*(*) 22.07*
Mechanics 20.86*(*) 21.89*
Crane operators 23.67* 24.61*
* significantly different from the non-trades at 0.05 level or less
(*) significantly different from 2007 at 0.05 level or less
Source: Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey.