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October 2000     Vol. 1, no. 1

Census family income, 1998

The median income of census, or nuclear, families increased 2.1% from 1997 to 1998 to $47,300, after adjusting for inflation. Oshawa ($60,000) had the highest family income of all Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs), followed by Windsor ($59,800). These data were obtained from income tax returns filed in the spring of 1999.


Income of individuals, 1998

The median total income of individuals in Canada was $20,100 in 1998, an increase of 2.7% over 1997, after adjusting for inflation. People in all Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) reported modest increases in median total income; those in Calgary had the largest rise at 4.3%, followed by Chicoutimi-Jonquière (+3.7%) and Saint John and Sherbrooke (+3.6%). These data were obtained from income tax returns filed in the spring of 1999.


User guide to 1996 Census income data

The User guide to 1996 Census income data explains the concept of income, and provides definitions of the various sources of income and derived income variables. The report also documents the various aspects of the Census that can have an impact on Census income estimates. These include the actual income questions asked in the 1996 Census, along with instructions to respondents. The report briefly explains the methodology adopted to capture the response information, process and edit it for inconsistencies and imputation for non-response. The impact of these operations on income data is described.


Spending patterns in Canada, 1998

Spending patterns in Canada presents statistical highlights and key tables from the annual Survey of Household Spending (which replaces the Family Expenditure Survey and the Household Facilities and Equipment Survey). Information includes, for example, how Canadian households spend their money, and what appliances, communications or home entertainment equipment they have


Human activity and the environment, 2000

The fifth edition of Human activity and the environment, published every five years, is Statistics Canada's compilation of economic, social and environmental statistics, which researchers, policy-makers, teachers and students will find indispensable for environmental analysis.


Postal area profiles, 1998

Postal area profiles is a databank profiling more than 5,000 communities across Canada. Based on 1998 tax records filed in the spring of 1999, these data are ideal for supporting policy analysis as they provide a comprehensive picture of communities. The profiles consist of five tables, which include information on taxfilers and dependants, selected sources of income of individuals, labour force participation, economic dependency on transfer payments, and family characteristics.


Labour force update: An overview of average wages and wage distributions in the late 1990s

By the hour or by the week, annual average wages in 1999 increased at about double the 1998 pace, according to data from the Labour Force Survey (LFS).


The Social policy simulation database and model

The Social policy simulation database and model (SPSD/M) is a static microsimulation model based on 1996 microdata. It comprises a database, a series of tax/transfer algorithms and models, analytical software and user documentation. The SPSD/M has been produced as an occasional product since 1985. It has been widely used by policy analysts in Canada studying virtually every change to the tax and transfer system since then.


Women in Canada 2000

The fourth edition of Women in Canada provides a comprehensive statistical profile of the evolving status of women in Canadian society, with details on their demographic characteristics, family arrangements, health, education, employment and unpaid work activity, income, housing, and criminal victimization. This 300 page report also includes separate sections describing the situations of immigrant women, women in the visible minority community, Aboriginal women and senior women.


Pilot Survey of Information Technology Occupations, 2000

This survey's results provide information on 21 information technology (IT) occupations for the computer design and related services industry across Canada, the architectural, engineering and related services industry in Quebec and the insurance carriers industry in Ontario.


Registered apprenticeship training, 1998

Approximately 177,700 people were registered in trades apprenticeship training programs in 1998, 3.1% more than in 1997. While all sectors of registered apprenticeship training have grown in recent years, many of them still remain below 1991 levels.


Canada's balance of international payments and international investment position: Concepts, sources, methods and products

This new publication describes the statistical system used to produce Canada's balance of international payments and international investment position, including concepts, sources, methods and products.


Analytical Studies Branch research paper series:
Multinationals and the Canadian innovation process

Foreign-owned firms in Canada pursue research and development and innovation strategies more actively than Canadian-owned firms do, far from depending passively on their parent companies for results, according to a new study. But these differences with domestic firms are greatest for small, purely domestically oriented firms, those with neither production facilities abroad nor with exports.


Private and public investment—Revised intentions 2000

Substantially higher investment by industries associated with the new economy will likely drive total investment in plant and equipment to record levels in 2000. Business and government investment is expected to reach $140.2 billion, 5.1% higher than in 1999. Investment plans have been revised upward significantly for 2000, $6.7 billion higher than the original investment intentions released in February.


Multifactor productivity, 1999

The business sector recorded a 1.5% gain in multifactor productivity in 1999, more than twice the annual average during the previous decade. While the increase fell short of the growth rate of 2.8% in 1997, it was up sharply from 1998's anemic growth of 0.1%. Between 1988 and 1999, multifactor productivity grew at an annual average rate of 0.7%.


Useful information for manufacturers and exporters (Second edition)

The new edition of Useful information for manufacturers and exporters is a practical and informative guide that helps meet business information needs by pointing directly to the required information. It helps the user navigate through the many Statistics Canada products and services that are of specific interest.


Canada's international transactions in services, 1999

The latest annual details of Canada's trade in services are now available in Canada's international transactions in services, 1999. This publication covers transactions in travel, transportation, and commercial and government services to Canada's trading partners.


Aquaculture statistics, 1999 (preliminary)

Fish farmers generated record revenues in 1999 as product sales climbed to an estimated $548 million, up 7% over 1998. The driving force behind the 1999 revenue increase was the higher value of exports, which reached $386 million, an advance of 5% over 1998.


Economic overview of farm incomes: Potato farms, 1996

Economic overview of farm incomes offers farm financial information and analysis based on data from the Taxation Data Program and other agricultural surveys. The new bulletin provides a detailed analysis of potato farms, including information on farm-level revenues, expenses, and net operating income before depreciation by revenue class and by province.


Government finance: Revenue, expenditure and surplus, 1999/2000

All three levels of government—federal, provincial and local—recorded financial surpluses in the fiscal year 1999/2000, according to Statistics Canada's Financial Management System (FMS). The overall surplus was estimated at $4.1 billion.


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