Police-reported Information Hub
Homicide in Canada
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The data used to create this interactive web application is from the following listed data tables:
- Table 35-10-0060-01 Number of homicide victims and persons accused of homicide, by Indigenous identity, age group and gender
- Table 35-10-0068-01 Number, rate and percentage changes in rates of homicide victims
- Table 35-10-0069-01 Number of homicide victims, by method used to commit the homicide
- Table 35-10-0071-01 Number and rate of homicide victims, by Census Metropolitan Areas
- Table 35-10-0075-01 Number, percentage and rate of gang-related homicide victims
- Table 35-10-0119-01 Number and rate of victims of solved homicides, by gender, Indigenous identity and type of accused-victim relationship
- Table 35-10-0156-01 Number, percentage and rate of homicide victims, by gender and Indigenous identity
- Table 35-10-0170-01 Number and percentage of homicide victims, by type of firearm used to commit the homicide
- Table 35-10-0206-01 Number, percentage and rate of homicide victims, by racialized identity group, gender and region
- Table 35-10-0208-01 Number and rate of victims of solved homicides, by racialized identity group, gender and type of accused-victim relationship
- Table 35-10-0125-01 Number of homicide victims, by Indigenous identity and gender
- Table 35-10-0126-01 Number of homicide victims, by Indigenous identity and missing person status
- Table 35-10-0127-01 Number of homicide victims, by Indigenous identity and location of investigative police service
Additional information
This interactive data visualization dashboard provides an overview of police-reported homicide in Canada. The dashboard features statistics on the homicide rate and number of homicides on an annual basis starting in 2014. Detailed incident characteristics (method, firearm type, gang-related) and victim characteristics (identity group, gender, age, relationship to the accused) are also available. Information is available at different levels of geography including by Canada, province and territory and census metropolitan area.
Select the Home button to return to the Police-Reported Information Hub.
The Homicide in Canada interactive data visualization dashboard was carried as part of the Transformational Approach to Indigenous Data (TAID) with the goal of building Indigenous data capacity and improving the visibility of Indigenous People in Canada's national statistics.
Data presented here are drawn from the Homicide Survey. The year 2014 marked the first cycle of collection of the Homicide Survey data for which complete information regarding Indigenous identity was reported for victims of homicide. The year 2019 marked the first cycle of collection of the Homicide Survey data for which information regarding racialized identity groups were reported for victims of homicide.
The Crime Severity Index (CSI) and police-reported crime rate are area-based measures that summarize police-reported crime. The CSI was developed to complement the conventional crime rate and other indicators by considering both the number and severity of crimes in a given area. These measures are not indicators of overall safety and should be interpreted in the broader community context.
For additional contextual information within and outside the criminal justice system, see the following resources:
- Crime and justice statistics
- Census Profile, 2021 Census of Population
- Centre for Municipal and Local Data
- Rural Canada statistics
For other detailed information or for long-term trend data going back to 1961, see our online data tables. These data tables, and those referenced in the Data section also contain relevant contextual footnotes for data points, violations or geographies that are not available directly in the dashboard.
See Definitions for detailed explanations of common concepts and terminology used in the analysis of police-reported crime information.
- Homicide
Homicide includes Criminal Code offences of murder, manslaughter and infanticide.
- Indigenous identity
For the purposes of the Homicide Survey, Indigenous identity includes people identified as First Nations people (either status or non-status), Métis or Inuit, and people with an Indigenous identity whose Indigenous group is not known to police. Non-Indigenous identity refers to instances where the police have confirmed that a victim or accused person is not identified as an Indigenous person. Indigenous identity reported as "unknown" by police includes instances where police are unable to determine the Indigenous identity of the victim or accused person, where Indigenous identity is not collected by the police service, or where the accused person has refused to disclose their Indigenous identity to police. Indigenous identity is reported by the police and is determined through information found with the victim, such as status cards, or through information supplied by the victims' families, community members, or other sources (i.e., such as band records, or forensic evidence such as genetic testing).
- Racialized identity group
The concept of "racialized groups" is measured with the "visible minority" variable in this release. There is currently no definition or standard for "racialized groups." Until further notice, derivation and dissemination of data for "racialized groups" follow the visible minority of person standard. "Visible minority" refers to whether a person belongs to one of the visible minority groups defined by the Employment Equity Act. The Employment Equity Act defines visible minorities as "persons, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-White in colour." The visible minority population consists of the following groups: South Asian, Chinese, Black, Filipino, Latin American, Arab, Southeast Asian, West Asian, Korean and Japanese. The concept of "rest of the population" is used to include any victim or accused person excluded from the concept of "racialized groups" or "visible minority." For the purposes of the Homicide Survey, an individual's "visible minority" status is identified by police. Racialized identity group is reported by the police and is determined through information found with the victim, or through other means such as information supplied by the victims' families, community members, or other sources.
"Rest of the Population" refers to instances where the police have confirmed that the individual is not identified as belonging to a racialized identity group.
- Gender
The year 2019 marked the first cycle of collection of the Homicide Survey data for which information on gender identity was reported for victims of homicide. Gender refers to the gender a person publicly expresses in their daily life, including at work, while shopping or accessing other services, in their housing environment or in the broader community. Prior to 2019, Homicide Survey data was presented by the sex of the victims. Sex and gender refer to two different concepts. Caution should be exercised when comparing counts for sex with those for gender. Given that small counts of victims identified as "gender diverse" may exist, the aggregate Homicide Survey data available to the public has been recoded to assign these counts to either "male" or "female" in order to ensure the protection of confidentiality and privacy. Victims identified as gender diverse have been assigned to either male or female based on the regional distribution of victims' gender.
- Primary method
If multiple methods are used against one victim, only the primary method causing the death is counted. Thus, only one method is counted per victim.
- Gang-related homicide
A homicide is classified as linked to organized crime or a street gang when police confirm or suspect that the accused person and/or the victim was either a member, or a prospective member, of an organized crime group or street gang, or if either individual was somehow associated with an organized crime group or a street gang, and the homicide was carried out as a result of this association.
The homicide was deemed as being linked to organized crime or a street gang when either "Yes" or "Suspected" was reported for the relation to organized crime or a street gang.
- Solved homicide
Includes only those homicides in which there were known accused. If there were more than one accused, only the closest relationship to the victim was recorded.
- Census metropolitan area (CMA) and census agglomeration (CA)
A CMA or CA is formed by one or more adjacent municipalities centred on a population centre (known as the core). A CMA must have a total population of at least 100,000, of which 50,000 or more must live in the core. A CA must have a core population of at least 10,000. To be included in the CMA or CA, adjacent municipalities must have a high degree of integration with the core, as measured by commuting flows derived from census data. A CMA or CA may have more than one police service. It is important to note that while official police-reported data on crime from the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Survey use Statistics Canada's standard Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) names, the boundaries for the policing-based CMAs do not always fully align with the standard CMA geographic units used for disseminating information about the Census of Population.
- Missing person
A victim is considered missing at the time of their homicide if they were reported as a missing person to any police service before they were discovered deceased. A Missing Person report must have been filed and the status of "missing" must be continuous up to the time of the individual's discovery as a victim of homicide.
- Urban and rural areas
Rural police services serve a territory where most of the population lives outside a CMA or CA, and includes small towns that do not qualify as CAs. Urban police services serve an area where most of the population lives within a CMA or CA. Police services are classified as rural or urban based on the majority of the population they serve, rather than on the place of residence of each Canadian. Consequently, urban residents can be served by a police service classified as rural, and vice versa. The terms “rural area” and “urban area” are used to designate areas or populations based on the classification of the police services that serve them. The definitions of rural and urban in this report may differ from those used in other Statistics Canada reports or tables.
Related Information
Related surveys
- Homicide Survey
- Uniform Crime Report Survey (UCR)
- Police Administration Survey
- General Social Survey-Victimization
Recent analytical releases
For any questions or data requests, please refer to the Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics (CCJCSS) Client Services group: statcan.ccjcss-ccsjsc.statcan@statcan.gc.ca
How to use
How to use this interactive visual
This dashboard has two pages, which can be navigated by selecting Incident characteristics or Victim characteristics.
To return to the Home screen, click on the Home button.
To reset the interactive tool to the default view, click on the Reset filters button.
Hovering over a graphical element will generate a tooltip that contains more information about the underlying data.
Users can access the underlying data behind a visual element by right-clicking on the element and selecting "Show as a table".
Keyboard shortcuts and screen reader tips
Keyboard shortcuts and screen reader tips are available by entering the visual and pressing CTRL + Enter.
While in the visual, pressing SHIFT + "?" will open the keyboard shortcuts.
When focus is on a visual, the data table can be displayed by pressing ALT + SHIFT + F11.
More information
Note of appreciation
Canada owes the success of its statistical system to a long-standing partnership between Statistics Canada, the citizens of Canada, its businesses, governments and other institutions. Accurate and timely statistical information could not be produced without their continued co-operation and goodwill.
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Statistics Canada is committed to serving its clients in a prompt, reliable and courteous manner. To this end, the Agency has developed standards of service which its employees observe in serving its clients.
Published by authority of the Minister responsible for Statistics Canada.
© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Industry,
Use of this publication is governed by the Statistics Canada Open Licence Agreement.
Catalogue no. 71-607-X
- Date modified: