Wholesale and Retail Services Price Indexes: Interactive Tool


The data used to create this interactive web application is from the following listed data tables:

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Additional information

The Wholesale Services Price Index (WSPI) and the Retail Services Price Index (RSPI) represent respectively the change overtime in the price of the wholesale and the retail services. The price of the wholesale or the retail service is defined as the margin price, which is the difference between the average purchase price and the average selling price of a product. The retail or wholesale gross margin represents the vendor’s expense and profit for the service of selling a product. WSPI and RSPI are not selling price indexes.

The reference year of the indexes (i.e. the period where each series equals 100) is 2013.

With each release, data for the previous quarter may have been revised. The series are also subject to an annual revision with the release of second quarter data of the following reference year. The indexes are not seasonally adjusted. Data are available at the Canada level only.

Due to revisions, the displayed percentage change values from past quarters could vary from those in The Daily texts. The values displayed in this interactive tool are the most up-to-date.

Category: Type of service as defined by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

[NAICS Code] -The number displayed in the bracket corresponds to the classification code assigned to a type of service in the NAICS 2017.

Data quality indicators:

  • Code D: Acceptable (market coverage equal to or greater than 25%, and standard error greater than 2%, but less than or equal to 5%).
  • Code E: Use with caution (market coverage less than 25% or standard error greater than 5% or fewer than 5 reported price quotes).
  • Index series without data quality indicators are considered to be statistically reliable.

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Infographics - The evolution of margins in the wholesale and the retail trade sectors (2008 to 2017)

The infographics, "Wholesale Services Price Index (WSPI) 2008 to 2017", and "Retail Services Price Index (RSPI) 2008 to 2017" which are part of Statistique Canada — Infographies (11-627-M), are available. They demonstrate how margins in the Canadian wholesale and retail trade sectors have evolved from the first quarter of 2008 to the fourth quarter of 2017.

A video entitled "Producer Price Indexes" is available on the Statistics Canada Training Institute webpage. It provides an introduction to Statistics Canada's Producer Price Indexes — what they are, how they are made and what they are used for.

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