Trade in Goods by Exporter and Importer Characteristics: Interactive Tool

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This interactive tool allows users to quickly, easily and efficiently browse the wide variety of information available on trade by exporter and importer characteristics of goods. It contains information on the number of exporters and importers as well as trade value by trader location, such as province and census metropolitan area, by trader's industry sector, and by partner countries with whom products are exchanged.

The Trade by Exporter and Importer Characteristics: Goods programs are an initiative at Statistics Canada undertaken to analyze the business characteristics of exporters and importers in Canada. These estimates are formed by linking customs trade data records to business entities in Statistics Canada's Business Register. For more information on definitions, data sources and methods, see survey numbers 5124 and 5237.

A census metropolitan area (CMA) is formed by one or more adjacent municipalities centred on a population centre (known as the core). A CMA must have a total population of at least 100,000 of which 50,000 or more must live in the core, based on adjusted data from the Census of Population Program. There are 41 CMAs in Canada.

A non-CMA is an area not part of the 41 CMAs. The sum of CMA and non-CMA data represents Canada. Therefore, adding the trade values of CMAs and non CMAs produces the national total. The same concept applies for the number of traders.

The top 5 industries are defined based on the value of total imports and exports of goods.

For additional information, see related tables.

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