Income of men and women, sub-provincial regions, T1 Family File: Interactive tool
The data used to create this interactive web application is from the following data table:
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Additional information
For more information on how to use this tool, consult the guide “How to use” available on this page (top right).
Please note that the tool will automatically revert to the highest category in a dimension when multiple categories are selected simultaneously within that dimension. Selecting multiple provinces or territories will revert automatically to the statistics for Canada. Selecting multiple CMA/CAs does not show data for the combined regions. If selected in the same province, it will show the statistics for the provinces; otherwise it will show them for Canada.
- As of 2020, COVID benefits are included in income estimates. For more information, consult the Technical Reference Guide for the Annual Income Estimates for Census Families, Individuals and Seniors - opens in a new browser window.
- The count of individuals that is included in the tooltips when hovering over the map corresponds to the number of tax filers and dependants with total income which will be different than the number of tax filers and dependants with after-tax income but is not available in this tooltip. The averages are calculated using only individuals with income based on the respective concept.
- The acronyms CMA and CA in the title of the filter to select subprovincial region and the title of the map (left of the tool) corresponds to Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) or a Census Agglomeration (CA). Those regions are formed by one or more adjacent municipalities linked by a common population centre (known as the core). A CMA must have a total population of at least 100,000 of which 50,000 or more must live in the core. A CA must have a core population of at least 10,000. To be included in the CMA or CA, other adjacent municipalities must have a high degree of integration with the core. For a more detailed definition, please consult the Standard Geographical Classification.
- Tax filers are people who filed a tax return for the reference year and were alive at the end of the year. Dependants are family members who did not file a personal income tax return for the referenced year.
- Total income is income from all sources. Monies not included in total income are veterans' disability and dependant pensioners' payments, war veterans' allowances, lottery winnings and capital gains.
- After-tax income is total income minus provincial and federal income taxes, plus the Quebec abatement and the federal refundable First Nation Abatement for Yukon.
- Characteristics such as age are as of December 31 of the reference year.
- The Census Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) is used for data dissemination of the census metropolitan areas (CMA) and the census agglomerations (CA).
- Information on the data source, the historical availability, definitions of the terms used, and the geographies available can be found at Technical Reference Guide for the Annual Income Estimates for Census Families, Individuals and Seniors. For questions and comments, please contact the Income Statistics Division of Statistics Canada (
- This tool shows only a portion of the information available in the data table listed above the tool. More data from this table and several other tables presenting data from the T1 Family File are available.
More information
Note of appreciation
Canada owes the success of its statistical system to a long-standing partnership between Statistics Canada, the citizens of Canada, its businesses, governments and other institutions. Accurate and timely statistical information could not be produced without their continued co-operation and goodwill.
Standards of service to the public
Statistics Canada is committed to serving its clients in a prompt, reliable and courteous manner. To this end, the Agency has developed standards of service which its employees observe in serving its clients.
Published by authority of the Minister responsible for Statistics Canada.
© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Industry,
Use of this publication is governed by the Statistics Canada Open Licence Agreement.
Catalogue no. 71-607-X
How to use
Instructions to maximize the use of this interactive tool
This tool shows individual income data by sex and age groups in four ways. A tool using the same data source is also available to visualise the data at the family level.
The top left section of the tool contains several filters to breakdown the data by sex, age groups, total income or after-tax income, and geography. In addition to those filters, an interactive map allows for the selection of a specific geography.
The colors on the map (bottom left) identifies how the average income of the regions in Canada compare to each other. This map of Canada (including provinces/territories, census metropolitan area (CMA)/census agglomeration (CA) and non-CMA/CA) is interactive. The map can be viewed by provincial or sub provincial regions by clicking on the filter drop down above the map or by selecting a region directly on the map.
The two pie charts (top right) show distributions by sex. They focus on the number of tax filers and dependants with income and their aggregate income amount based on the selection from the filters on the left top corner.
The bar chart (bottom right) shows the data by sex and age group based on the income concept and geography selected.
Selecting multiple provinces or territories will revert automatically to the statistics for Canada. Selecting multiple CMA/CAs does not show data for the combined regions. If selected in the same province, it will show the statistics for the provinces otherwise it will show them for Canada.
Hovering over the pie chart, the map or the bar chart will generate tooltips that contains the actual numbers/statistics. Hovering over the map will give additional information for the geographic area.
It is possible to access the data from all visual elements by right clicking on the elements and selecting “Show data” or by accessing the Statistics Canada data tables (see data table listed under “Data” above the application).
Click on the “Reset” button at the top right to erase all selections. The tool will return the data for the default option (Canada, both sexes, all age groups and total income).
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