Table 1
UN/ILO Dimensions of Quality of Employment Framework and list of available Statistics Canada Indicators

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UN/ILO Dimensions of Quality of Employment Framework and list of available Statistics Canada Indicators
UN/ILO Quality of Employment Dimension Available Statistics Canada indicators
Safety and ethics of employment  
  • Proportion of employed who had a work injurye
Income and benefits from employment  
  • Average hourly earnings
  • Wage distribution
  • Share of employees receiving non-wage benefits
  • Average length of paid annual leave
Working hours and balancing work and non-working life  
  • Average usual hours worked (main job, all jobs)
  • Share of employed working 50 or more hours of work per week
  • Share of employed working unpaid overtime
  • Share of employed in part time work and involuntary part time
  • Share of employed working more than one job (i.e, moonlighting)
  • Share of employees with flexible work schedules, including flexible hours, 
reduced workweek, compressed workweek
Stability and security of work, and social protection  
  • Share of employees in temporary jobs
  • Current job tenure
Social dialogue and workplace relationships  
  • Share of employed with collective bargaining coverage
Skills development and life-long learning  
  • Share of employees receiving job training
  • Over-qualification
Intrinsic nature of work  
  • Share of employees satisfied or very satisfied with their job
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and International Labour Organization (ILO), Task Force on Measuring the Quality of Work (December 2008). STC indicators come from Statistics Canada sources.
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