Table 3.2
Labour market outcomes of female immigrants aged 25 to 54 in Canada from selected regions of birth, by period of landing, 2006

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  Unemployment rate Participation rate Employment rate
Canadian born 4.6 83.4 79.6
Very recent immigrants 13.01 62.71 54.61
Latin America 13.0E, 1 63.61 55.31
Europe 10.61 71.11 63.61
Africa 21.91 61.01 47.61
Asia 12.81 59.81 52.21
West Central Asia and Middle East 16.8E, 1 51.71 43.51
Eastern Asia 12.81 55.01 48.21
Southeast Asia F 77.6 73.01
Southern Asia 17.41 56.11 46.31
Recent immigrants 9.31 71.51 64.81
Latin America F 74.71 67.81
Europe 8.0E 80.8 74.31
Africa 16.0E, 1 68.91 57.41
Asia 9.21 68.01 61.61
West Central Asia and Middle East F 65.51 58.11
Eastern Asia 9.61 68.51 61.81
Southeast Asia F 81.1 75.5
Southern Asia 9.4E, 1 61.41 55.71
Established immigrants 5.31 80.71 76.41
Latin America 6.51 83.8 78.3
Europe 4.1 82.1 78.7
Africa 7.9E, 1 79.4 73.21
Asia 5.91 78.41 73.81
West Central Asia and Middle East 8.2E 70.11 64.31
Eastern Asia 4.4E 77.81 74.41
Southeast Asia 4.9 83.8 79.7
Southern Asia 8.31 75.81 69.51
E use with caution: coefficient of variation (CV) between 16.5% and 33.3%.
F too unreliable to be published because of CV>33.3% and/or very small estimates.
1. Significantly different from the respective Canadian-born value (p<0.05).
Source: Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey.
Table source: Statistics Canada, 2008, "The Canadian Immigrant Labour Market in 2006: Analysis by Region or Country of Birth", The Immigrant Labour Force Analysis Series, No. 2, Catalogue number 71-606-XWE