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Labour Force Information
September 2005

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Table 1. Labour force characteristics by age and sex, Canada HTML Viewer
Table 2. Employment by class of worker and industry, Canada HTML Viewer
Table 3. Labour force characteristics by province HTML Viewer
Table 4. Selected labour force characteristics, Newfoundland and Labrador HTML Viewer
Table 5. Selected labour force characteristics, Prince Edward Island
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Table 6. Selected labour force characteristics, Nova Scotia
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Table 7. Selected labour force characteristics, New Brunswick
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Table 8. Selected labour force characteristics, Quebec
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Table 9. Selected labour force characteristics, Ontario
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Table 10. Selected labour force characteristics, Manitoba
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Table 11. Selected labour force characteristics, Saskatchewan
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Table 12. Selected labour force characteristics, Alberta
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Table 13. Selected labour force characteristics, British Columbia
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Table 14. Labour force characteristics by metropolitan area, 3-month moving average HTML Viewer
Table 15. Labour force characteristics by three metropolitan areas, monthly
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Table 16. Labour force characteristics by economic region and for Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories
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Table 17. Average usual hours and wages of employees by selected characteristics, Canada
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Table 18. Regional unemployment rates used by the Employment Insurance Program
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Date Modified: 2005-10-07 Important Notices