06 Changes in advances to:

Classification Classification number
Government sub-sectors 06.01
Federal government 06.01.01
Federal non-autonomous pension plans 06.01.02
Canada Pension Plan 06.01.03
Quebec Pension Plan 06.01.04
Provincial and territorial governments 06.01.05
Own provincial and territorial governments
Other provincial and territorial governments
Provincial and territorial non-autonomous pension plans 06.01.06
Colleges, vocational and trade institutions 06.01.07
Universities 06.01.08
Hospitals 06.01.09
Residential care facilities 06.01.10
Other health and social service institutions 06.01.11
Municipal governments 06.01.12
Own municipal governments
Other municipal governments
School boards 06.01.13
Own school boards
Other school boards

Classification Classification number
Government business enterprises 06.02
Federal government business enterprises 06.02.01
Provincial and territorial government business enterprises 06.02.02
Local government business enterprises 06.02.90

Classification Classification number
Others 06.90
Date modified: