Statistics Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada
International Travel: Advance Information

October 2007


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Statistical Tables

International trips to Canada
  October January to October
2006 2007 Change 2007 2006 2007 Change 2007
  number percent number percent
Trips by non-residents 1 2,331,097 2,185,303 -6.3 29,354,210 26,883,759 -8.4
United States residents 1,991,814 1,840,328 -7.6 25,334,904 22,731,526 -10.3
Automobile 1,515,490 1,352,230 -10.8 19,234,602 16,831,089 -12.5
Same day 992,555 825,236 -16.9 11,850,649 9,742,858 -17.8
One or more nights 522,935 526,994 0.8 7,383,953 7,088,231 -4.0
Plane 314,871 315,276 0.1 3,624,951 3,508,445 -3.2
Bus 73,790 74,108 0.4 956,248 830,277 -13.2
Train, boat and other methods 87,663 98,714 12.6 1,519,103 1,561,715 2.8
All other countries residents 339,283 344,975 1.7 4,019,306 4,152,233 3.3
Direct 222,939 224,509 0.7 2,689,041 2,777,131 3.3
Via the United States 2 116,344 120,466 3.5 1,330,265 1,375,102 3.4
Trips by residents of Canada 1 3,643,289 4,286,349 17.7 39,810,709 41,845,626 5.1
Returning from the United States 3,207,459 3,804,551 18.6 34,009,535 35,490,892 4.4
Automobile 2,608,506 3,147,980 20.7 27,775,230 28,930,597 4.2
Same day 1,902,531 2,265,406 19.1 19,581,349 19,879,656 1.5
One or more nights 705,975 882,574 25.0 8,193,881 9,050,941 10.5
Plane 458,427 489,583 6.8 4,669,472 4,930,140 5.6
Bus 101,902 114,480 12.3 1,009,235 1,002,349 -0.7
Train, boat and other methods 38,624 52,508 35.9 555,598 627,806 13.0
Returning from all other countries 435,830 481,798 10.5 5,801,174 6,354,734 9.5
Direct 379,858 423,789 11.6 4,981,691 5,507,376 10.6
Via the United States 2 55,972 58,009 3.6 819,483 847,358 3.4
Total 1 5,974,386 6,471,652 8.3 69,164,919 68,729,385 -0.6
Excludes immigrants, former residents, military personnel, diplomats and crews.
Entries and re-entries through or by way of the United States.
Reports of entries and re-entries from offices of the Canada Border Services Agency.
One or more nights trips by non-residents to Canada, by province of entry, current month
N.L. P.E.I. N.S. N.B. Que. Ont. Man. Sask. Alta. B.C. Y.T. Canada
United States  
2006 ... ... 1,719 18,868 68,274 300,725 14,889 5,294 6,894 101,014 5,258 522,935
2007 ... ... 1,210 18,698 66,166 322,910 13,363 5,174 6,512 88,733 4,228 526,994
Percent ... ... -29.6 -0.9 -3.1 7.4 -10.2 -2.3 -5.5 -12.2 -19.6 0.8
2006 2,362 212 30,946 12,562 65,710 169,012 7,225 3,882 33,433 75,528 97 400,969
2007 741 15 43,081 7,641 68,795 164,116 7,703 3,538 34,687 83,248 121 413,686
Percent -68.6 -92.9 39.2 -39.2 4.7 -2.9 6.6 -8.9 3.8 10.2 24.7 3.2
2006 2,362 212 32,665 31,430 133,984 469,737 22,114 9,176 40,327 176,542 5,355 923,904
2007 741 15 44,291 26,339 134,961 487,026 21,066 8,712 41,199 171,981 4,349 940,680
Percent -68.6 -92.9 35.6 -16.2 0.7 3.7 -4.7 -5.1 2.2 -2.6 -18.8 1.8
Other countries 1  
2006 2,145 113 7,879 1,359 67,875 143,781 828 147 16,423 91,446 188 332,184
2007 2,674 1 9,440 1,496 67,253 145,940 1,100 83 19,612 87,997 267 335,863
Percent 24.7 -99.1 19.8 10.1 -0.9 1.5 32.9 -43.5 19.4 -3.8 42.0 1.1
2006 4,507 325 40,544 32,789 201,859 613,518 22,942 9,323 56,750 267,988 5,543 1,256,088
2007 3,415 16 53,731 27,835 202,214 632,966 22,166 8,795 60,811 259,978 4,616 1,276,543
Percent -24.2 -95.1 32.5 -15.1 0.2 3.2 -3.4 -5.7 7.2 -3.0 -16.7 1.6
Excludes entries by land same day via the United States.
One or more nights trips by non-residents to Canada, by province of entry, year to date
  January to October
N.L. P.E.I. N.S. N.B. Que. Ont. Man. Sask. Alta. B.C. Y.T. Canada
United States  
2006 ... ... 34,040 251,673 864,029 4,262,626 154,104 46,094 135,130 1,547,611 88,646 7,383,953
2007 ... ... 29,173 244,823 804,023 4,156,185 138,718 47,496 133,239 1,445,237 89,337 7,088,231
Percent ... ... -14.3 -2.7 -6.9 -2.5 -10.0 3.0 -1.4 -6.6 0.8 -4.0
2006 18,796 2,731 153,553 89,121 707,464 1,865,979 75,034 29,323 381,005 1,530,781 82,912 4,936,699
2007 13,490 4,465 161,446 117,823 674,303 1,727,200 74,543 27,001 400,739 1,577,333 102,334 4,880,677
Percent -28.2 63.5 5.1 32.2 -4.7 -7.4 -0.7 -7.9 5.2 3.0 23.4 -1.1
2006 18,796 2,731 187,593 340,794 1,571,493 6,128,605 229,138 75,417 516,135 3,078,392 171,558 12,320,652
2007 13,490 4,465 190,619 362,646 1,478,326 5,883,385 213,261 74,497 533,978 3,022,570 191,671 11,968,908
Percent -28.2 63.5 1.6 6.4 -5.9 -4.0 -6.9 -1.2 3.5 -1.8 11.7 -2.9
Other countries 1  
2006 42,904 751 47,962 10,057 680,702 1,565,201 10,078 1,827 255,394 1,286,460 20,023 3,921,359
2007 24,738 721 64,816 10,684 719,783 1,555,552 11,035 1,805 312,144 1,322,561 20,842 4,044,681
Percent -42.3 -4.0 35.1 6.2 5.7 -0.6 9.5 -1.2 22.2 2.8 4.1 3.1
2006 61,700 3,482 235,555 350,851 2,252,195 7,693,806 239,216 77,244 771,529 4,364,852 191,581 16,242,011
2007 38,228 5,186 255,435 373,330 2,198,109 7,438,937 224,296 76,302 846,122 4,345,131 212,513 16,013,589
Percent -38.0 48.9 8.4 6.4 -2.4 -3.3 -6.2 -1.2 9.7 -0.5 10.9 -1.4
Excludes entries by land same day via the United States.
Trips by residents of countries other than the United States to Canada
  October January to October
2006 2007 Change 2007 2006 2007 Change 2007
  number percent number percent
Europe, total 168,448 175,973 4.5 2,099,723 2,180,954 3.9
Belgium 3,300 3,419 3.6 41,291 40,939 -0.9
Denmark 2,010 2,258 12.3 25,684 25,875 0.7
France 31,809 29,703 -6.6 334,977 338,715 1.1
Germany 21,642 20,672 -4.5 287,565 293,203 2.0
Greece 974 982 0.8 11,409 11,645 2.1
Italy 6,072 6,813 12.2 83,036 91,183 9.8
Netherlands, The 7,649 7,702 0.7 111,686 114,414 2.4
Portugal 1,295 1,430 10.4 18,190 19,044 4.7
Spain 3,642 4,593 26.1 53,128 62,505 17.6
Sweden 2,397 2,870 19.7 27,277 28,833 5.7
Switzerland 6,376 6,669 4.6 84,905 86,193 1.5
United Kingdom 62,531 69,991 11.9 788,723 828,104 5.0
Other Europe 18,751 18,871 0.6 231,852 240,301 3.6
Africa, total 5,064 5,568 10.0 72,755 74,932 3.0
Asia, total 117,718 110,526 -6.1 1,174,921 1,156,933 -1.5
China 13,799 13,656 -1.0 127,663 134,881 5.7
Hong Kong 7,239 6,961 -3.8 98,425 101,334 3.0
India 6,342 6,584 3.8 79,314 94,013 18.5
Israel 6,189 4,868 -21.3 68,943 63,206 -8.3
Japan 47,095 39,316 -16.5 363,342 309,461 -14.8
Malaysia 732 784 7.1 9,615 9,360 -2.7
Philippines 4,164 4,928 18.3 43,814 50,764 15.9
Singapore 1,547 1,538 -0.6 19,902 20,306 2.0
South Korea 15,045 15,547 3.3 176,535 187,070 6.0
Taiwan 8,527 7,109 -16.6 85,333 75,737 -11.2
Other Asia 7,039 9,235 31.2 102,035 110,801 8.6
North America, Central America and Caribbean, total 23,453 25,122 7.1 331,595 368,821 11.2
Jamaica 1,122 1,220 8.7 21,291 21,193 -0.5
Mexico 12,676 14,282 12.7 187,232 218,346 16.6
Trinidad and Tobago 1,416 1,453 2.6 21,515 21,650 0.6
Other North America, Central America and Caribbean 8,239 8,167 -0.9 101,557 107,632 6.0
South America, total 11,237 11,914 6.0 122,197 132,653 8.6
Brazil 5,491 5,415 -1.4 56,251 57,420 2.1
Other South America 5,746 6,499 13.1 65,946 75,233 14.1
Oceania and other Ocean Islands, total 13,363 15,872 18.8 218,115 237,940 9.1
Australia 11,179 12,585 12.6 180,592 197,505 9.4
New Zealand 1,986 2,998 51.0 34,917 37,056 6.1
Other Oceania 198 289 46.0 2,606 3,379 29.7
Total 339,283 344,975 1.7 4,019,306 4,152,233 3.3
One or more nights trips by residents returning to Canada, by province of re-entry, current month
N.L. P.E.I. N.S. N.B. Que. Ont. Man. Sask. Alta. B.C. Y.T. Canada
United States  
2006 ... ... 360 33,496 111,832 348,338 41,228 10,616 18,975 139,174 1,956 705,975
2007 ... ... 340 43,975 130,743 439,162 57,494 16,731 28,034 164,581 1,514 882,574
Percent ... ... -5.6 31.3 16.9 26.1 39.5 57.6 47.7 18.3 -22.6 25.0
2006 525 167 6,070 5,922 82,474 239,366 14,818 5,410 73,558 107,626 92 536,028
2007 542 13 7,726 6,468 89,584 265,222 14,441 5,842 77,333 114,399 84 581,654
Percent 3.2 -92.2 27.3 9.2 8.6 10.8 -2.5 8.0 5.1 6.3 -8.7 8.5
2006 525 167 6,430 39,418 194,306 587,704 56,046 16,026 92,533 246,800 2,048 1,242,003
2007 542 13 8,066 50,443 220,327 704,384 71,935 22,573 105,367 278,980 1,598 1,464,228
Percent 3.2 -92.2 25.4 28.0 13.4 19.9 28.3 40.9 13.9 13.0 -22.0 17.9
Other countries  
2006 878 4 4,587 45 99,094 218,656 1,079 205 25,990 85,254 38 435,830
2007 242 0 5,259 86 115,843 237,427 1,556 322 33,479 87,441 143 481,798
Percent -72.4 -100.0 14.7 91.1 16.9 8.6 44.2 57.1 28.8 2.6 276.3 10.5
2006 1,403 171 11,017 39,463 293,400 806,360 57,125 16,231 118,523 332,054 2,086 1,677,833
2007 784 13 13,325 50,529 336,170 941,811 73,491 22,895 138,846 366,421 1,741 1,946,026
Percent -44.1 -92.4 20.9 28.0 14.6 16.8 28.6 41.1 17.1 10.3 -16.5 16.0
One or more nights trips by residents returning to Canada, by province of re-entry, year to date
  January to October
N.L. P.E.I. N.S. N.B. Que. Ont. Man. Sask. Alta. B.C. Y.T. Canada
United States  
2006 ... ... 6,628 323,874 1,539,206 3,843,293 456,899 111,897 253,441 1,631,212 27,431 8,193,881
2007 ... ... 6,455 361,233 1,678,273 4,250,888 532,555 136,532 290,292 1,768,693 26,020 9,050,941
Percent ... ... -2.6 11.5 9.0 10.6 16.6 22.0 14.5 8.4 -5.1 10.5
2006 4,853 695 58,413 59,111 938,753 2,627,394 132,055 41,566 680,591 1,098,148 7,982 5,649,561
2007 5,329 603 70,056 64,882 982,600 2,761,278 145,291 42,673 764,738 1,148,363 7,720 5,993,533
Percent 9.8 -13.2 19.9 9.8 4.7 5.1 10.0 2.7 12.4 4.6 -3.3 6.1
2006 4,853 695 65,041 382,985 2,477,959 6,470,687 588,954 153,463 934,032 2,729,360 35,413 13,843,442
2007 5,329 603 76,511 426,115 2,660,873 7,012,166 677,846 179,205 1,055,030 2,917,056 33,740 15,044,474
Percent 9.8 -13.2 17.6 11.3 7.4 8.4 15.1 16.8 13.0 6.9 -4.7 8.7
Other countries  
2006 42,696 19 85,989 7,003 1,289,855 2,903,007 59,087 26,848 385,425 1,000,697 548 5,801,174
2007 24,666 11 105,731 10,939 1,523,339 3,052,071 63,507 36,192 492,974 1,044,630 674 6,354,734
Percent -42.2 -42.1 23.0 56.2 18.1 5.1 7.5 34.8 27.9 4.4 23.0 9.5
2006 47,549 714 151,030 389,988 3,767,814 9,373,694 648,041 180,311 1,319,457 3,730,057 35,961 19,644,616
2007 29,995 614 182,242 437,054 4,184,212 10,064,237 741,353 215,397 1,548,004 3,961,686 34,414 21,399,208
Percent -36.9 -14.0 20.7 12.1 11.1 7.4 14.4 19.5 17.3 6.2 -4.3 8.9