Statistics Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada
The Consumer Price Index

September 2008


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Related products

Selected publications from Statistics Canada

Consumer Prices and Price Indexes
Your Guide to the Consumer Price Index
Analytical Series - Prices Division
The Consumer Price Index Reference Paper

Selected technical and analytical products from Statistics Canada

How Inflation and Income Tax Affect the Return on a Safe Investment
Televisions: Quality Changes and Scanner Data
Housing Depreciation in the Canadian CPI

Selected CANSIM tables from Statistics Canada

Average retail prices for gasoline and fuel oil, by urban centre, monthly
Average retail prices for food and other selected items, monthly
Inter-city indexes of retail price differentials for selected groups of consumer goods and services, annual
Consumer price index (CPI), 2005 basket content, monthly
Consumer price index (CPI), 2005 basket content, annual
Consumer price index (CPI), seasonally adjusted, 2005 basket content, monthly

Selected surveys from Statistics Canada

Consumer Price Index

Selected summary tables from Statistics Canada

  1. Consumer Price Index, by province (monthly)
  2. Consumer Price Index, by city (monthly)
  3. Consumer Price Index, food, by province (monthly)
  4. Consumer Price Index, shelter, by province (monthly)
  5. Consumer Price Index, household operations, furnishings and equipment by province (monthly)
  6. Consumer Price Index, clothing and footwear, by province (monthly)
  7. Consumer Price Index, transportation, by province (monthly)
  8. Consumer Price Index, health and personal care, by province (monthly)
  9. Consumer Price Index, recreation, education and reading, by province (monthly)
  10. Consumer Price Index, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, by province (monthly)
  11. Canada: Economic and financial data
  12. Consumer Price Index, provinces
  13. Consumer price index, historical summary, by province or territory
  14. Gasoline and fuel oil, average retail prices by urban centre (monthly)
  15. Food and other selected items, average retail prices (monthly)
  16. Gasoline and fuel oil, average retail prices by urban centre
  17. Food and other selected items, average retail prices
  18. Consumer Price Index, food, by province
  19. Consumer Price Index, shelter, by province
  20. Consumer Price Index, household operations, furnishings and equipment, by province
  21. Consumer Price Index, clothing and footwear, by province
  22. Consumer Price Index, transportation, by province
  23. Consumer Price Index, health and personal care, by province
  24. Consumer Price Index, recreation, education and reading, by province
  25. Consumer Price Index, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, by province
  26. Inter-city indexes of consumer price levels
  27. Consumer Price Index, by city
  28. Consumer Price Index, historical summary
  29. Selected economic indicators, Canada and United States (monthly and quarterly)
  30. Education price index, by provinces
  31. Economic indicators, by province and territory (monthly and quarterly)

For further reading

Detailed information on the methodology and concepts of the CPI is contained in The Consumer Price Index Reference Paper, Updating Based on 1992 Expenditures, (Occasional), catalogue no. 62-553-X.

Information regarding the Household Spending Survey is contained in Spending Patterns in Canada, 2005, catalogue no. 62-202-X.

A brief non-technical document entitled Your Guide to the Consumer Price Index (Occasional) catalogue no.62-557-X answers the frequently asked questions about the construction and use of the CPI.

For further information, contact the Consumer Prices Section, Prices Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6 (613-951-9606), or you can also search through the Statistics Canada catalogue which lists all current products and services available from Statistics Canada.