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Consumer Price Index
February 2005

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  . not available for any reference period
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  r revised
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Statistics Act
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  F too unreliable to be published

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Note on CANSIM

Most of the data published in The Consumer Price Index (Catalogue 62-001-XPB) is also available in machine readable form through CANSIM (Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System). In general, CANSIM provides a longer historical series. For further information on CANSIM call (613) 951-8200 or write to Electronic Data Marketing Division, Statistics Canada, R.H. Coats Building, Ottawa, K1A 0T6.

Data that appears in this publication are also available electronically in our CANSIM database through the Internet tables 326-0001, 326-0004, 326-0009, 326-0010 and 326-0012 at a cost of $3.00 per series.

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Additional Information and Related Publications

Detailed information on the methodology and concepts of the CPI is contained in The Consumer Price Index Reference Paper, Updating Based on 1992 Expenditures, (Occasional), Catalogue no. 62-553. Information regarding the Survey of Household Spending is contained in two volumes: Family Food Expenditure in Canada, 2001, Catalogue no. 62-554, and Spending Patterns in Canada, 2001, Catalogue no. 62-202.

A brief non-technical document entitled "Your Guide to the Consumer Price Index" (Occasional) Catalogue no. 62-557-XPB is available on request from the information unit (613-951-9606) or on the Statistics Canada Internet Site . It answers the frequently asked questions about the construction and use of the CPI. For further information, contact the Consumer Prices Section, Prices Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6.

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Several changes will be made to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) starting with the January 2003 data to be released on February 27, 2003

  1. The basket of goods and services used to calculate the CPI will be updated to reflect changes in consumer expenditure patterns. Expenditure patterns for 2001 will replace those for 1996.

  2. Some modifications will be made to the commodity classification system.

Indexes for the following women's clothing categories will no longer be published:

Women’s coats and jackets
Women’s dresses
Women’s suits, skirts and pants
Women’s blouses, sweaters and other tops
Women’s active sportswear
Women’s underwear, sleepwear and hosiery

The only index that will be published is the Women's Clothing aggregate.

Indexes for the following men's clothing categories will no longer be published:

Men’s coats and jackets
Men’s suits and sport jackets
Men’s pants
Men’s sweaters and shirts
Men’s active sportswear
Men’s underwear, sleepwear and hosiery

The only index that will be published is the Men's Clothing aggregate.

Indexes for the following children's clothing categories will no longer be published:

Children’s outerwear
Children’s pants and dresses
Children’s sweaters, shirts and blouses
Children’s active sportswear
Children’s underwear, sleepwear and hosiery

The only index that will be published is the Children's Clothing aggregate.

  1. Indexes for Internet Access Services and Financial Services will be published on the time base of Dec. 2002=100.

  2. Selected indexes will be published for Iqaluit

  3. Changes will be made to the methodology used to seasonally adjust the CPI series starting with the January 2003 data.

The time base will remain unchanged at 1992=100.

Data based on the new basket will be loaded onto the existing CANSIM tables and vectors. The only changes involve the termination of the clothing series mentioned above and the addition of vectors for Iqaluit, Internet Service Provision and Financial Services. The new vector numbers will be announced once they have been determined in January 2003.

As well, due to changes in the Ontario electricity market that became effective on December 1st 2002, it will be necessary to adjust the treatment of electricity prices in the CPI for that province. A question and answer fact sheet that explains those changes is now available.

For more information on the basket update, to obtain the fact sheet on the treatment of electricity prices in Ontario please contact: Client Services Unit, Prices Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A0T6 (telephone (613) 951-9606 or toll free: 1 (866) 230-2248) (fax: (613) 951-1539) (Internet:

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This publication was prepared under the direction of:

  • George Beelen, Director, Prices Division
  • Joanne Moreau, Chief, Consumer Price Section

The feature articles are prepared under the direction of:

  • George Beelen Director, Prices Division
  • Robin Lowe, Chief, Quality Assurance and Client Services Section

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Statistics Canada is committed to serving its clients in a prompt, reliable and courteous manner and in the official language of their choice. To this end, the Agency has developed standards of service which its employees observe in serving its clients. To obtain a copy of these service standards, please contact us.

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Published by authority of the Minister responsible for Statistics Canada

© Minister of Industry, 2005

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission from Licence Services, Marketing Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0T6.

Catalogue no. 62-001-XIB, Vol. 84 no. 2

Frequency: Monthly

ISSN 1496-2225


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