Table 36-1
Building material and supplies merchant wholesalers — Balance sheet and income statement

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Building material and supplies merchant wholesalers — Balance sheet and income statement
Table summary
This table displays the balance sheet and income statement data. The row headers provide information on the type of accounts in the balance sheet and income statement. The column headers provide a yearly breakdown for the five years covered in this tabulation. The values are reported in millions of dollars.
  2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
  millions of dollars
Balance sheet  
Total assets 35,946 39,620 42,362 40,028 43,064
Cash and deposits 3,982 3,905 4,240 4,563 4,930
Accounts receivable and accrued revenue 8,933 10,243 10,796 10,407 11,266
Inventories 8,862 9,687 10,526 10,293 11,431
Investments 7,051 8,326 8,457 5,969 6,630
Investments and accounts with affiliates 6,628 7,767 7,881 5,335 5,930
Portfolio investments 423 560 576 634 700
Loans 221 311 560 627 375
Mortgages 141 195 316 282 276
Non-mortgages 81 116 244 345 99
Bank customers' liabilities under acceptances .. .. .. .. ..
Capital assets, net 3,672 3,617 3,877 4,078 4,408
Other assets 3,225 3,530 3,906 4,091 4,023
Liabilities 18,688 21,111 22,454 21,282 22,947
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 7,553 8,048 8,138 8,001 8,586
Loans and accounts with affiliates 6,505 7,612 7,991 7,026 7,559
Borrowings 3,826 4,458 5,147 5,319 5,623
Loans and other borrowings 2,835 3,359 4,036 4,130 4,244
Bankers' acceptances and paper 63 243 69 115 156
Bonds and debentures 75 65 67 61 93
Mortgages 853 791 976 1,013 1,129
Future income taxes -67 -6 -21 85 53
Bank customers' liabilities under acceptances .. .. .. .. ..
Other liabilities 871 1,000 1,199 851 1,126
Equity 17,258 18,509 19,907 18,746 20,117
Share capital 4,122 4,357 4,474 4,083 4,405
Contributed surplus and other 1,814 2,569 2,510 1,815 1,775
Retained earnings 11,322 11,583 12,923 12,849 13,937
Income statement  
Operating revenue 62,084 66,932 71,224 69,419 74,077
Sales of goods and services 61,708 66,541 70,827 69,008 73,643
Interest and dividend revenue (operating) .. .. .. .. ..
Other operating revenue 377 391 397 411 434
Operating expenses 59,183 63,778 67,925 66,416 70,678
Purchased goods, materials and service 51,921 56,315 59,611 58,433 62,138
Wages, salaries and employee benefits 6,503 6,659 7,582 7,167 7,676
Indirect taxes 97 100 103 106 104
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 521 550 556 578 626
Interest expense (operating) .. .. .. .. ..
Other operating expenses 140 155 73 132 134
Operating profit/loss 2,902 3,154 3,300 3,003 3,399
Interest and dividend revenue 131 271 221 167 210
Interest expense on borrowing 329 381 387 374 387
Gains/losses 80 -4 393 207 106
Profit before income tax 2,784 3,040 3,526 3,003 3,328
Income tax 717 750 778 698 714
Equity in affiliates' earnings 15 35 38 35 47
Profit before extraordinary gains 2,082 2,325 2,786 2,340 2,661
Extraordinary gains 1 0 2 -2 -3
Net profit 2,083 2,325 2,788 2,338 2,659
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