Table 27-1
Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing — Balance sheet and income statement

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Electrical equipment, appliance and component manufacturing — Balance sheet and income statement
Table summary
This table displays the balance sheet and income statement data. The row headers provide information on the type of accounts in the balance sheet and income statement. The column headers provide a yearly breakdown for the five years covered in this tabulation. The values are reported in millions of dollars.
  2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
  millions of dollars
Balance sheet  
Total assets 35,922 38,338 40,199 40,794 42,172
Cash and deposits 887 1,007 1,202 825 1,133
Accounts receivable and accrued revenue 6,357 6,770 7,128 7,121 7,106
Inventories 1,471 1,693 1,660 1,925 1,852
Investments 18,967 20,202 20,973 21,129 21,630
Investments and accounts with affiliates 18,081 19,399 20,471 20,650 21,156
Portfolio investments 885 803 502 479 474
Loans 1,780 1,849 1,967 2,117 1,940
Mortgages 23 22 22 22 24
Non-mortgages 1,757 1,827 1,945 2,095 1,916
Bank customers' liabilities under acceptances .. .. .. .. ..
Capital assets, net 1,746 1,620 1,218 1,315 1,247
Other assets 4,714 5,198 6,051 6,361 7,265
Liabilities 28,848 31,438 33,684 34,161 34,845
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 3,148 3,208 3,459 3,496 3,678
Loans and accounts with affiliates 21,990 23,165 24,372 24,969 24,469
Borrowings 3,585 3,699 3,994 3,537 3,941
Loans and other borrowings 3,323 3,497 3,757 3,345 3,627
Bankers' acceptances and paper 0 0 0 3 0
Bonds and debentures 40 38 42 34 7
Mortgages 222 164 195 154 307
Future income taxes -194 -308 -446 -323 -432
Bank customers' liabilities under acceptances .. .. .. .. ..
Other liabilities 319 1,674 2,306 2,483 3,189
Equity 7,074 6,900 6,515 6,633 7,328
Share capital 3,769 3,968 4,698 4,668 6,995
Contributed surplus and other 2,406 1,382 1,631 1,769 2,090
Retained earnings 900 1,550 186 195 -1,758
Income statement  
Operating revenue 14,790 16,657 17,260 19,121 17,789
Sales of goods and services 14,674 16,613 17,193 19,024 17,674
Interest and dividend revenue (operating) .. .. .. .. ..
Other operating revenue 116 45 67 97 114
Operating expenses 14,216 15,931 16,529 18,213 17,068
Purchased goods, materials and service 11,124 12,383 12,864 14,285 13,108
Wages, salaries and employee benefits 2,474 2,951 3,088 3,314 3,347
Indirect taxes 26 22 17 19 14
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 544 539 532 568 564
Interest expense (operating) .. .. .. .. ..
Other operating expenses 49 35 28 28 35
Operating profit/loss 574 727 732 908 721
Interest and dividend revenue 180 55 62 69 126
Interest expense on borrowing 75 78 70 108 80
Gains/losses -16 -3 35 139 22
Profit before income tax 662 700 759 1,007 789
Income tax 97 158 155 139 105
Equity in affiliates' earnings 2 -19 8 7 -6
Profit before extraordinary gains 567 523 612 875 678
Extraordinary gains 21 0 -6 -1 -2
Net profit 588 523 606 874 676
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