A Statistical Framework for Energy in Canada
Annex D Status of Statistics Canada’s Volumetric Data

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Notes: (green=good, orange= improvements required, purple= not collectedNote 1, grey= NANote 2)

Annex D - Status of Statistics Canada's Volumetric Data - Primary Energy
Table summary
This table displays the results of Annex D - Status of Statistics Canada's Volumetric Data. The information is grouped by Supply (appearing as row headers), Primary Energy and Secondary Energy (appearing as column headers).
Supply Primary Energy
  Coal Crude Oil Conventional crude oil Non Conventional, other hydro carbons Natural Gas NGLs Primary electricity Nuclear Fuels Steam (Heat) Biomass peat Solid Bio fuels Liquid Bio fuels Biogases Waste
Primary Production good good good good good good good not collected improvements required not collected not collected not collected not collected not collected
Imports/Exports good good good good good good good not collected NA not collected not collected not collected not collected NA
International Bunkers NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Stock Variation good not collected not collected not collected not collected good NA not collected NA not collected not collected not collected not collected NA
Inter-Product Transfers NA good not collected not collected good good NA not collected NA not collected not collected not collected not collected NA
Total Energy Supply                            
Statistical Difference                            
Transfers good not collected not collected not collected good good good not collected NA not collected not collected not collected not collected NA
Electricity plants (utilities) good NA NA NA good NA NA good good not collected not collected not collected not collected not collected
CHP plants (industries) good NA NA NA good NA NA NA improvements required not collected not collected not collected not collected not collected
Coke oven &coal liquefaction plants, blast furnaces improvements required NA NA NA NA NA NA NA improvements required NA NA NA NA NA
Oil refineries, petrochemical plants NA good good good good good NA NA NA NA NA not collected not collected NA
Steam Gen/ Heat Plants improvements required improvements required not collected NA improvements required improvements required NA NA NA not collected improvements required not collected not collected not collected
Patent fuel not collected NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Brown coal not collected NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Gas works & other conversions to gases not collected NA NA NA not collected not collected NA NA NA not collected NA NA NA not collected
Peat briquette NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA not collected NA NA NA NA
NG blending plants NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Gas to liquid plants NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA not collected NA
Charcoal plants not collected NA NA NA NA NA NA NA not collected NA NA NA NA NA
Other processes NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA not collected not collected not collected not collected not collected not collected
Producer Consumption good NA NA NA good good good not collected improvements required not collected improvements required not collected not collected not collected
Losses not collected improvements required improvements required improvements required not collected not collected not collected not collected not collected not collected not collected not collected not collected not collected
Annex D - Status of Statistics Canada's Volumetric Data - Secondary Energy
Table summary
This table displays the results of Annex D - Status of Statistics Canada's Volumetric Data. The information is grouped by Supply (appearing as row headers), Primary Energy and Secondary Energy (appearing as column headers).
Supply Secondary Energy
  Secondary electricity Coal Products Bio fuels Oil Products (Motor gas, diesel) Refinery Feed stock Additives and oxygenates Peat products
Primary Production good good not collected good not collected not collected not collected
Imports/Exports improvements required good not collected good not collected not collected not collected
International Bunkers NA NA NA not collected NA NA NA
Stock Variation NA good not collected good not collected not collected not collected
Inter-Product Transfers NA NA not collected good not collected not collected not collected
Total Energy Supply              
Statistical Difference              
Transfers NA good not collected good not collected not collected not collected
Electricity plants (utilities) good NA NA NA NA NA NA
CHP plants (industries) good NA NA NA NA NA NA
Coke oven &coal liquefaction plants, blast furnaces NA improvements required NA NA NA NA NA
Oil refineries, petrochemical plants NA NA NA good NA not collected NA
Steam Gen/ Heat Plants improvements required NA NA NA NA NA NA
Patent fuel NA not collected NA NA NA NA NA
Brown coal not collected not collected NA NA NA NA NA
Gas works & other conversions to gases NA not collected NA NA NA NA NA
Peat briquette NA NA NA NA NA NA not collected
NG blending plants NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Gas to liquid plants NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Charcoal plants NA not collected NA NA NA NA NA
Other processes not collected not collected NA NA NA not collected NA
Producer Consumption good good not collected improvements required NA not collected not collected
Losses not collected good not collected not collected not collected not collected not collected
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