Table 2-2
Primary and secondary energy, terajoules — Atlantic provinces

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Primary and secondary energy, terajoules — Atlantic provinces
Table summary
This table displays the supply and demand of primary and secondary energy in the Atlantic provinces by specific sector and by fuel type. The row headers provide information on supply by categories and consumption by sectors. The column headers provide information by fuel type in terajoules.
  Total coal Crude oil Natural gas Gas plant natural gas liquids (NGL's) Primary electricity, hydro and nuclear Steam Primary energy Coke Coke oven gas Total refined petroleum products Secondary electricity, thermal Total primary and secondary energy
Supply and demand characteristics  
Production .. 461,434 104,919 6,252 174,711 . 747,317 . . 1,024,929 61,389 ...
Exports . 184,119 78,183 2,457 2,807 . 267,566 . . 617,881 . 885,447
Imports 68,754 850,494 x 28 2,166 . 991,213 1,165 . 89,425 . 1,081,803
Inter-regional transfers x -135,455 . 11,533 -99,970 . -215,539 .. . -22,921 . -238,459
Stock variation .. 4,772 19 1,102 . . 5,894 . . 4,842 . 10,736
Inter-product transfers . .. . . . . .. . . -19,953 . -19,953
Other adjustments 5,792 51,737 1,162 0 . . 58,692 3,979 . 17,725 . 80,396
Availability 82,898 1,039,320 97,651 14,254 74,100 . 1,308,223 5,143 . 466,483 61,389 x
Stock change, utilities and industry .. . . . . . . . . .. . ..
Transformed to other fuels  
Electricity by utilities x . x . . . x . . x . x
Electricity by industry . . x . . . x . . x . x
Coke and manufactured gases . . . . . . . . . . . .
Refined petroleum products . 1,042,041 5,230 567 . . 1,047,837 . . . . 1,047,837
Steam generation x . x . . -606 -96 . . 114 . 18
Net supply 1,257 . 45,249 13,687 74,100 606 132,179 5,143 .. 422,131 61,389 620,842
Producer consumption .. . 23,205 471 9,755 . ... . . 73,034 ... 106,465
Non-energy use x . . 9,046 . . ... 695 . 47,761 ... 57,527
Energy use, final demand x . 22,251 15,560 120,528 606 ... 4,448 .. 300,894 ... 465,542
Total industrial x . 15,877 1,873 36,586 x ... 4,448 .. 27,823 ... 88,469
Total mining and oil and gas extraction .. . 0 165 9,276 . ... x . 6,626 ... 20,045
Total manufacturing x . 15,870 x x x ... x . 11,937 ... 59,131
Pulp and paper manufacturing . . x . x x ... . . x ... 19,596
Iron and steel manufacturing . . .. . x . ... . . x ... x
Aluminum and non-ferrous metal manufacturing x . . . x . ... x . x ... x
Cement manufacturing x . . . x . ... . . x ... x
Refined petroleum products manufacturing . . x . x . ... . . . ... 12,480
Chemicals and fertilizers manufacturing . . 9 . x .. ... . . x ... x
All other manufacturing . . x x 11,205 x ... . . x ... 23,788
Forestry and logging and support activities for forestry . . . . . . ... . . 4,287 ... 4,287
Construction . . . x . . ... . . 4,973 ... 5,006
Total transportation . . 79 76 .. . ... . . 193,104 ... 193,258
Railways . . . . . . ... . . 5,170 ... 5,170
Total airlines . . . . . . ... . . 4,872 ... 4,872
Canadian airlines . . . . . . ... . . 4,334 ... 4,334
Foreign airlines . . . . . . ... . . 538 ... 538
Total marine . . . . . . ... . . 17,122 ... 17,122
Domestic marine . . . . . . ... . . 16,492 ... 16,492
Foreign marine . . . . . . ... . . 630 ... 630
Pipelines . . 79 . . . ... . . .. ... 79
Road transport and urban transit . . . 76 .. . ... . . 19,125 ... 19,201
Retail pump sales . . . . . . ... . . 146,815 ... 146,815
Agriculture . . . 88 1,654 . ... . . 8,460 ... 10,205
Residential . . 754 1,289 48,959 . ... . . 40,615 ... 91,617
Public administration . . . 0 2,435 .. ... . . 16,277 ... 18,712
Commercial and other institutional . . 5,537 3,188 30,894 .. ... . . 14,614 ... 54,234
Statistical difference -22 . .. 0 .. 0 ... 0 . -3,283 ... 1,694
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